Above and Beyond - The Guvernment (Pics!!)

I have read studies done on this and most of them are a joke. Biased due to the subjects used being degnerates that take stuff every day. Its very easy to skew a study and even easier to fuck it up. Dont believe everything you read or hear. I know people that have takes thousands of pills. Many of them just stopped because they grew out of it or moven on to a career and or families. There is nothing wrong with them… in fact most of them are doing quite well.

Going to the Guv is actually enjoyable. There are NO fights at all. Everyone is out to have fun and they show it. Awesome atmosphere. Going downtown is a joke… drunk douche bags everywhere.

If this comment is towards me, I suggest you STFU. Since when do sunglasses relate to one’s income? People wear what they are confortable in. Button down shirts, short sleeve etc. Who the said I have a huge EGO? You dont know a damn thing about me or the ones that are in the pictures so dont judge dumbass.

Not true. The lighting in there is ridiculous. If you are on the main floor it can get irritating… and hard to see

Actually, it’s not bullshit at all. E attacks the myelin sheath covering most nerves. So it’s like taking pieces of rubber/plastic covering off of an electrical wire.

I’ve taken it twice, and the last time was this past 4th of July (not at your party, mike) and let me tell you, I haven’t been the same since. If you’d like me to elaborate on exactly what is happening, pm me. Even if you feel no effects of it now, it can and most definitely will hurt you in the future.

It is prescribed to some people who are basically going to die and have nothing to lose, but believe me, it is very, VERY bad for your nervous system.

They didn’t give it to troops on a regular basis, just for a few studies. LSD is 1000% different than E anyway.

:rofl: @ everyone standing up for E and Acid.

:rofl: @ sunglasses @ night, Corey Hart stylez

:rofl: @ taking shirt off

I find it hard to beleive that you are having prolonged effects, tests have shown that to actually deplete the myelin of the nerves it has to be taken at high dosages for extended period of times. Right now there is no conclusive evidence as to the actual effects, just what has been noticed to happen at a slightly higher rate than control groups. Right now the most common findings are actually neurlogical issues with continuitery of nerves, and impulses not properly firing.

Also it is not prescribed to people that are “Basically going to die” it is being prescribed to patients for psychotheropy usages.

read up, its actually a decent wiki article


that is of course talking about pure MDMA, which about 90% of exstacy is not. The better the pill the more coke, heroin, K, mesci it will have in it

you’re right, i’m lying. i just wanted to look cool in this thread.


I am just saying its probably more psychosomatic than physical

I have a pretty decent knowledge of anatomy, and I’m uber self-aware about everything happening with my own body, and I can tell you that it is very real.

Edit- and this is coming from someone who is very much in love with E. I heart it, but I’ll never do it again.

ahahahhahaha :rofl: will do

dude. Dont make stuff up as you go along. Gullible people might actually believe your bullshit. If you want to talk about health, how about you stop drinking yourself into a coma every weekend. Everyone who is crying “Bad” " “Bad” is a fucking HIPOCRITE

That’s very Jersey looking…



lol… (all in fun)

Bingo. Passmgass, you dont sound very aware at all.

Oh! Hard to argue with that pearl drop of wisdom formed out of an argument by example. Maybe next time I will prove that there are objects on the moon because I know of 4 people that say they have seen them.

I’m not going to argue with poor logic. :slight_smile: It would be one of my rules. If I had rules. I just put nutmeg on my french toast and now I’m seeing The Duchess of York in my Special K!

EXPERIENCE is poor logic? Are you serious??? Im talking about 10 - 15 YEARS worth of experience for most of the people I know… not a 7 day study… or a 30min read off Wikipedia

:lol:Nicley said

I think I’m going to be the first person on here to stop arguing with you because I couldn’t care less what you think.

You sent me a pm basically diagnosing me, when you haven’t heard about what my issues are. Read my PM.

Its not a argument. Its a discussion. Thats fine. Im not interested in convincing you but I will speak up if I read what I feel is bs.