Above and Beyond - The Guvernment (Pics!!)

Waaa Waa Waa, cry me a river.

I never used to wear glasses, just had to a few times, last night being one of them… the lights can bug some people occasionally. If you havent ever had that happen, maybe you should spend more time in “the scene”.

And as far as button down shirts? Try getting into The Drink without one, especially on a night like that.

As for my glasses being Oakleys, (violator), who cares? do you think I went out and bought them just for clubbing or something, to look cool? LOL… I have Oakleys out my ass for driving, not really that big of a deal. It would have petty for me to go out and get ANOTHER set just for clubbing…I use what I have, and get complimented on them more times than I can count in a night.