Above & Beyond, Feb 10th, 2007- Guvernment/Koolhaus Complex

I’ve been doing that for years. Definitely the way to go. All you have to do is call the guv and ask to be put on the Drink’s guestlist. The Drink line is fucking freezing with the wind though. Last I remember they had a limit of 6 or 10 per guestlist though, but its been a long time.

No limit as far as I know

Im there with Soopa7fly! :slight_smile:

Dan, see you there! It’s been too long!

I’m pumped! A&B 2006 was THE BEST party EVER!

Current Line-Up:

-My girlfriend
-James +GF?
-Marcus +?
-Clean Baldy


Forgot to mention;

The Drink is closed right now and is being renovated. It reopens the weekend before we are going, so it should be quite cool to see the new “Drink” that night!

Lol, you certainly got into the swing of things :eekdance:

I’ll see you there.

LOL, what do you mean? I have been partying up there for years (everyone else just sucked at life)

I partied exceptionally hard in 2006 though:eekdance: :headbang::eekdance:

Heh, I think they remodel the Drink once a year. Speaking of renovations, has anyone been to Republik since September? When I was up on Labor Day weekend, it was closed for remodeling. Havent been back since.

-You party like a worn out snatch…on the couch usually before midnight and passed out.

Passed out? hardly. Last time I “passed out” in Guv was March 11, 2005. Dont ask me why I remember that date… lol it had its very good, and VERY bad points. Hangover FTL.

I go there for the music and to connect with friends… not go find 1600 random people to talk to about nothing… like you do. I also have higher music standards. If the music isnt great, my ass is planted on the couch. If I hear a beat I like, I’ll get up. You on the other hand, would dance to someone singing the fucking ABC’s while you are up there.


+1 (girlfriend maybe) maybe not

The last time one of my friends passed out on a guv couch he found himself in the ‘drug room’, where they take all the sketchy ppl who are od’ing on whatever they do.

okay Gomer…like I said…you spend 90% on the couch…so let’s see…are you saying the guv doesnt have good music? You have a higher standard in music? I doubt that very much.:rolljerk: You basically like the same shit I do.

Actually, some of the guest DJ’s often play shit. A few good tunes mixed in, but sometimes its just that: shit. If you havent realized that, you need your head examined… which might not be a bad idea anyways:poke:

I have yet to hear the words “the music wasnt that great” come out of your mouth… and you were definintely there on some off days. I cant help it if you dance to anything, Mr ABC’s. I for one, prefer chill-mode with some good tunes. Remember, of the two of us, only one of us is good at self control:roll:

Lame…when A&B come on…they spin for X number of hours…no inbetween dj’s dumbass. We shall see in 3 weeks how much time you spend on the couch mr couch queen.

Um, fuckstick… I didnt sit down the entire night with A&B. There were no couches over there anyway… remember?

You know, memory is soon to go…right after judgement:uhh:

You+Cat Scan=smart move

By the way… if you are so sweet at partying… why did I have to show you how to do it?


“If I am so sweet at partying”? LOL WTF…:biglaugh: your gay:gay3:

LOL… your one to say, Mr. I Rub My Man Boobs (more than normal) while I am “under the influence” :gay2:

PS- it took you ALL NIGHT to think of that lame ass response???

Remember what I said about a Cat Scan?

My internet E-Cock is bigger than yours.