Accessory belt reference... site? book?

I need odd length accessory belts. No make & model. Where can I look up belts (part numbers or applications) by style & length?

Website with cross reference?
Parts book I can borrow?

I’d rather sift through numbers @ home rather then stand @ Napa for half an hour thumbing pages.


that what you’re looking for? jsut figure out how long the belt needs to be, number of ribs, plug it in and that should give u a Dayco part number

that may help. thanks!

I’d been googling, but hadnt thought of trying a manufacturers site.

basically all you need is the length of the belt and amount of ribs and you have the number for the necessary belt you need.

take a string and tie it around the acessories you are looking to run. then take string to local part store where they can measure the size or bring me it and i will measure it

Or the width, not all accessory belts are serp style.

Yea, i’ve measured with astring already…

I just needed to find a couple of different ribbed belts of the right length… and I didn’t want to stand in the store while we measured every one :lol:


They wouldn’t have to measure everyone, they have books for a reason

lol, yea, I realize that.

How about this: I used mike’s link to get “a” part number by length, rib count, and width for both belts.
I threw both part #s into PartsAmerica’s search function, and voila.

Took me less then 60 seconds.

Going into a store & asking for two part numbers > telling em what I need, explaining why I need it, and having em dig through a book.

Thanks tho. :tup: