Accident / Insurance Question

Ok, so some lady rear-ended me… totally her fault. Is her insurance company going to issue me a check for the cost of the repair/ estimate or are they going to issue the check to the repair shop. ?
If I can get the check I’d rather not spend/commit $800 for repair on a bumper that’s got 2 small cracks in it is worth it. when my car’s already been into an accident and has some dents on the front end. if I can just take the check and put in my bank acnt…

most likely if u go to a shop and get an estimate of some sort and you can show this…you’ll just get a check for that amount of money…what u do with the money is up to j000

edit: a lot of times the insurance company will have a shop they recommnd or whatever and they’ll get the estimate…also if u go get one and say this is what i calculated…and they say this is what we estimated…you can work something out.

when i had NYS mutual they told me to get 2 estimates then they called both shops and said whoever comes up with the lowest price wins. then they cut me a check for that lowest price and basically said do whatever you want with it.

since i’m in the same boat as you, and i actually know what I’m talking about, I’ll chime in. What insurance company is she covered by? Pray to god it’s not Allstate, because they’re flat out fucking rediculous to work against. In my accident a couple weeks ago a lady pulled RIGHT OUT IN FRONT OF ME and i T-boned her and they tried passing it off saying i was negligent, speeding even though i didn’t get a ticket, blah blah blah. Don’t waste your time going to a body shop and getting a quote, yet. They should send somebody to your house to check out the damage and come up with an exact number of how much it will be to fix. Then comes part 2, where they very well might try to fuck you. They have to determine who was at fault, whether it be total or patial fault. Even cases like yours that seem cut and dry they might try to pull a fast one like they’re trying to do with me and say you were 30% responsible for the accident or some shit, so they’ll send you a check for 70% of your assessed damages. Of course now your insurance company should get involved because now they’ll have to pay for a percentage of the lady’s damages. But in response to your question they will issue it to you lol.

ive dealt with 3 different insurance companies on 4 or 5 different incidents, only once has that happened. my point? different insurance companies handle claims in different ways.

I had this exact thing happen in North Carolina. 2 summers ago, driving back from Myrtle Beach, was rear-ended. $900 in damages. That driver had Allstate, and they completely tried to fuck me over. Luckily I had a police report, and after working with the NCSP and kept badgering with Allstate, I eventually got the check in my mailbox. Accident was in July, finally got the check in the wintertime.

I got 2 estimates, told them where I wanted to have the repair work done by, they went off that estimate.

Just be prepared to fight for the money they owe you, because they will do their best to weasel out having to pay, but if you stay at it, they will give in and pay. I think their game is to prolong the payout long enough so that some people will just give up.

I had this exact thing happen in North Carolina. 2 summers ago, driving back from Myrtle Beach, was rear-ended. $900 in damages. That driver had Allstate, and they completely tried to fuck me over. Luckily I had a police report, and after working with the NCSP and kept badgering with Allstate, I eventually got the check in my mailbox. Accident was in July, finally got the check in the wintertime.

I got 2 estimates, told them where I wanted to have the repair work done by, they went off that estimate.

Just be prepared to fight for the money they owe you, because they will do their best to weasel out having to pay, but if you stay at it, they will give in and pay. I think their game is to prolong the payout long enough so that some people will just give up.

I had this exact thing happen in North Carolina. 2 summers ago, driving back from Myrtle Beach, was rear-ended. $900 in damages. That driver had Allstate, and they completely tried to fuck me over. Luckily I had a police report, and after working with the NCSP and kept badgering with Allstate, I eventually got the check in my mailbox. Accident was in July, finally got the check in the wintertime.

I got 2 estimates, told them where I wanted to have the repair work done by, they went off that estimate.

Just be prepared to fight for the money they owe you, because they will do their best to weasel out having to pay, but if you stay at it, they will give in and pay. I think their game is to prolong the payout long enough so that some people will just give up.

It’s Amica as thier insurance company, I will be calling today to file my claim… It was clearly her fault, I mean she rear-ended me.
I got 2 quotes one wasn’t for anywhere near the first one but it was just for the bumper replacement, not anything else (blending paint, there’s a small piece of bent metal behind my bumper cover that caruba didn’t look at) Anyone recomend any good body shops that’ll give me a real estimite? I’ve got 1… I need another one to make 2

I dealt with allstate when some lady rear-ended the shadow, they sent a field under writer to my house. He looked over the damager and then mailed me a check.
Not saying the same exact thing will happen for you, but it worked for me.

Um this is not what to do, this is how to get fucked.

What you really want to do is call her insurance company with her policy number and tell them that you are having a shop bill them for accident that was her fault.

Go to a high priced shop and get a big estimate (dealership, etc). Fax the estimate to the insurance company, then tell them that you want the check made out to YOU, not the shop.

Then they will counter you and send a rep to the body shop to get that number down as much as they can. Before they come is a good time to beat your rear lights in with hammers and stuff because they will cut your claim way down (jk)

You have the right to have the car fixed anywhere you want, or not at all. It is up to you. If you owe on the car, you need to get it fixed, but you still can have the check made out to you.

Once you get the check, you can do whatever you want with the money. I work in auto salvage, so i ordered some used parts at wholesale cost, and had my brother put the car back together at his body shop.

Amica is good. They will probably have an adjuster look at it and cut you a check. I had my check 2 days after the guy looked at my car.

I do apologize for the triple post there, dial-up owns me. it’d load half-way, then shit out. a mod could delete 2 of the 3 please.

well yeah, obviously it depends on which insurance company he’s dealing with. I didn’t really make that clear in my post I guess. Either way, if the car is NOT driveable I don’t see why they would give you a problem sending somebody directly to your house.

I have not read anyones posts, but here is my.02 I have been rear-ended, side-swiped, and hit while parked, and every time an adjuster was sent out from the insurance company and they cut me a check for their estimate. You can cash it and do whatever you want with it, you DO NOT have to fix your car if you do not want to. Also I never involved my own insurance, I called the other persons insurance and delt with it myself. No reson your insurance needs to know you were in an accident.

Ok… I’m going to call the lady today she’s all about getting it repaired at her brothers shop and paying him in installments… Time to go through her insurance.
it is 100% her fault… she adminted it… and she was on her phone, and she rear-ended me… if they even think about trying to pull some shit I’ll start screaming… Plus my estimate was from schmidts and it was the most complete…
Sorry lady… your insurance is about to go up… Kuz you dont have 900 bux in your bank acnt.