Car Insurance Claim Question

Some guy ass ended me the other day on while I was on my way to work. I am taking the car this weekend to get an estimate for the damages. My question is does his insurance company send me the check directly or will it go to the body shop? He has State Farm. Not sure if it makes a difference or not. Thanks guys.

Our daughter’s car was rear ended recently and the check (from State Farm) was sent to us instead of the body shop after the estimate was done. Not sure if they always do it that way.

Most of the time if you don’t have the car financed it will come to you . But if the car still has a loan on it it will be made out to the bodyshop.But then again I could be wrong .

Hmm. They never asked if it was paid off or not. Its an 07 but it is paid off. I’d like to get the check and just take care of it myself. It’s not all that bad.

When I went through this the other month the check got sent to me even when the bodyshop asked for the check from the insurance company.

I have never had a check sent to me. The last few times me or my wife have been hit, the bodyshop handled everything. We just got our rental car and picked up the car when it was done.

I have gotten checks from my insurance when a window has been broken but if it was someone else’s fault, the check has gone to the shop doing the work.

I believe it has to do with whether the bodyshop is one of their preferred shops or not. If it is, they handle the claim thru the shop, otherwise they send you the check to pay the shop.

Normally If the field adjuster already came out to write the damage appraisal on your vehicle and you are undecided on where you want the vehicle fixed they will issue you a check in the lienholders name and your name to insure the vehicle gets repaired. If you pick a State Farm Select Service shop like me, we get the assignment from state farm, order parts if necessary, schedule you and setup rental. Then get your vehicle in for repairs and get it back to you ASAP!

Ya I have an appointment on Monday to get an estimate. My dad knows some people there so we decided on them. I’m not gonna say the name since I don’t believe they are a sight sponsor and don’t wanna give them any free advertising. They are a state farm select shop though so I guess I can kiss that check goodbye. I was hoping to bank the money and fix it at my leisure since it’s not that bad. I’d rather wait til spring cause god knows what else is gonna happen to it with all this damn snow.

I’ve never had a check go anywhere but to me.

When I was rear ended, the check was sent to me. My dad fixed the car, so there was no shop to send it to anyway.

We are talking about cars here, leave the personal stuff off the board.


I’ve received checks a few different ways, with three different ways from State Farm on the wife’s old Jeep (this is back in 00-01) one was given directly to the body shop, one was written to the body shop and my wife, and lastly was given directly to my wife. one was for a tree falling on the Jeep, one was for being backed into and the other for vandalism. All three were fixed at the same body shop. (which I won’t name because they turned into real Assholes and it’s a whole different story)

And now that I think about it, the checks I’ve received from non-state farm have been a mix as well but what I’ve seen the most is a check written to the body shop and myself