Accident Insurance

I’m looking into buying accidental insurance, something like Aflac, just in case I get injured on or off the job. Anyone here have any good or bad experiences with different companies?

Ive got AFLAC and its less than $5 a month. Ive never filed a claim with it though. I also have regular health insurance.

You’re not covered by the company if you get injured on the job?

I have it. I only got it because I play a lot of sports. So if I get hurt while out of work I am taken care of. Luckily I have not had to use it. Costs me a little more than $3 a week for it.

The UTU offers something, but I was talking to some of my coworkers and they were saying its not that good.

Doesn’t workers comp still goes through NYS and is capped from what I remember? And it isn’t nearly enough to make ends meet.

However with that being said at my last job, two employee’s who had AFLAC and were out of work both told me how much they hated AFLAC and would never recommend them to anyone. Don’t believe the commercials, they DO NOT get you money right away, in fact you have to jump through a bunch of hoops just to get a check cut. One of the guys was back to work for almost a full month before he received his first payment, and they also said customer service is a joke. Obviously this is word of mouth so take it as you wish.

Yah I know I could file for workers comp but I want something extra. Good to know about aflac though, thanks.

Not sure how it falls for you guys but disability for us absolutely sucks. I was out for almost 3 months and got $1,200 from RRR. I’m getting some sort of accidental supplemental insurance.

I had aflac when I blue out my shoulder . I cancelled them right after I got my check as it was painful to deal with them .

Don’t know about supplemental health but can take care of you for the Auto/Home/Life!:tbu:tbu

Im set on auto insurance, don’t own a home, and have no need for life insurance.

yes I am but this is supplemental.

I even have free life insurance thru my job.

Life insurance through work is most likely a very small death benefit. Take care of final expenses.

Im not paying for it so I dont really care but I think its actually got a decent payout.


Highly recommended!


Yeah I heard it sucks, one of my buddies over here was out for 7-8 months and said it was awful. But he got a pretty hefty settlement after the fact though.

On the topic of other insurance, I have MetLife for my auto because I get a discount through work plus payroll deduct so I don’t even notice it, but I feel like I’m still paying too much :lol

My wife has Aflac and when she broke her arm and had to get plates and screws was out of work on and off for half a year dealing with it becasue they fucked up the surgury and it casued alot of problems. Anyway, it was a pain to get the ball rolling in the beginning with them, but once you figured out what they needed from you and were on the same page with them it was easy. She is a an RN so she already has a good idea of what they need for claims and what not which helped. They not once tried to get out of a claim, and try to not pay what they should. It just was a bit tough to process it all to get to that point. But, if it was easy they would be opening the doors for scams and would be paying alot of money they shouldnt have to. So expect it to be a detailed process with hoops to jump through.

I had a lower level version through a similiar company back when I worked in NY and really liked it. Sorry, I don’t remember the name of it. The policy I had basically paid me a set figure for injuries, doctor visits and the like but didn’t compensate me for lost time at work.

It worked out quite well for me, cost something like $2 a week out of my paycheck and the one time I broke my hand it paid out somewhere in the $500 range when adding in doctors visits, x-rays and all of that. Quite simple to fill out too, simply sent them my receipts and had the doctors fill out the required paperwork, mailed it in and got a check a few weeks later.