School me on Disability insurance.

My spelling and grammar is probably enough of a disability to disqualify me for any coverage, but let’s set that aside for now.
With the race season fast approaching, And sponsorships I’ve never dreamed of having. I will be holding nothing back this year. That leaves the fact that a serious injury is more likely than ever.

What do I look for in a policy?
Is there options on this type of policy, or is it what ever the company offers you?

I figured the old folks home… Err nyspeed was clearly the correct place to seek my insurance question answers.

Is short and long term offered from your work?

No, we are given X amount of personal leave days a year. Those days roll over and can be saved up each year also.

In NY employers are required to provide disability coverage. There might be exceptions to this but that depends on the specifics of the company you work for.

If you were anything like some of my (past) employees you would limp into work Monday morning, say it happened at work and win the South Buffalo Lottery. Insurance fraud is a felony but it doesn’t seem to stop some people. Fuckers.

But anyway… Can you get comp through a race team? Comp covers much more, doctors love it. Fuckers.

If you work doesn’t offer it I assume you’re looking for something like what Aflac offers?

I have an accident policy through Combined. Had AFLAC before and they fucked me. I’ve never had to use my Combined policy. Not sure if that’s good or bad. If I read it, I’m sure there would be exclusions. If you’re intending to use this to cover you in the event of a “recreational” injury, I would say they would be charging you a premium. My take on any insurance is that they’ll gladly cover you for whatever you want…as long as you’re willing to pay.

NYS DBL only pays 50% of wages up to a max of $170 per week for up to 26 weeks. He’s going to want to get a supplemental plan.


Supplemental with employers isn’t usually that bad I have no idea about getting it on your own though.

You can get it through just about anyone that sells insurance. Usually guys that sell life can take care of it. Depending on the carrier you can sometime get a deal if you bundle life and ST/LT DBL.

I have nothing to help with your question but I do support this! :tup:

(says the guy with the broken foot)

My parents ( sperated) each have a life insurance plan on me. Probably not a horrible idea. Yes something like aflac. I waa quoted once like $34 a month. I’m thinking if I need surgery or something and need to be out for 4-6 months or something.

what sport is it that you do again?

I pretend I can ride atvs.

I was going to get one for myself, but none of them cover base jumping unless you got the plan before you started.

The first race isn’t till the end of April, so I’m hoping to get one before then. I’m not sure what they go by, I suppose you could base jump year round, but I haven’t done any races sense September.


lol… Newman is too dangerzone for anyone to cover him.

I got coverage through mutual of omaha after I bought my house. it’s about $31/mo for coverage in the event I hurt myself outside of work. Since I do occasionally race mt dirtbike and I do a fair deal of almost cutting digits off my hands in my shop I thought it was a fair amount to pay in case I ever do manage to dismember myself. coverage is based on your income.

how many more posts until this thread turns into a death pool game?

Thanks for looking out @JayS :tup: We were txting earlier, I really only handle DBL with the employers. Anything I sell would be through the employer, that they provide to the employees. DBL will pay up to 50% of your salary per week, up to $170 per week, unless the employer offers more than 1x statutory limits. If they do decide to offer 2x, it offers up to $340, while still maintaining the 50% rule.

Anything other than 1x statutory is pretty uncommon because if they offer it to one, they have to offer it to all and it gets expensive. If a business is stocked with a lot of high salaried employees, they might offer higher because $170 per week doesn’t do much for those employees.

I have an accident policy through Aflac, I think it’s like $3 per pay period. I used to have one with State Farm too. I’ve never used it, even though I could have when I wrecked my sled. It’s a pain in the ass to file the paperwork for it and prove medical bills and all that nonsense. I push enough paper on a daily basis, I just didn’t feel like doing it. That’s probably what they rely on…