Activists are DUMB

Ill start by saying that I hope none of you think that im trying to degrade anyone for voicing their oppinions but this sets my point. I like to fish, hunt, drive cars, go camping, all the shit that guys like to do so I always get a good laugh when I read news about Environmental Activists or Vegan Activists. Listen to this…

In a recent news story a group that went to a Activist gathering in the Midwest. They brought with them a petition agains the use of Dihydrogen Monoxide. For those of you who dont know what that is let me spell it out for you. H20, or water. When getting signatures they did not lie about anything, they used terms such as, " Pesticide, Nuclear, all these compaines use it." : “It gets in our fruits and vegtables and it wont come out” : It is in our lakes, streams and resivoirs." : The point is that almost everyone at the gathering signed the petition. So really, what are they, in reality doing by joining these groups?

The answer is that they are all trying to change the world regardless of whether or not they have reason or the right information. They believe power comes in numbers but with that same thought proccess so does the effect of their decisions.

Such as another fact ill point out that goes right along with the point im trying to prove:

Vegans eat nothing but veggies day in and day out. They do not even eat or drink dairy products. They believe animals have as many rights as we do and should not be used for such nonsense as eating and staying healthy. However lets look at some points they must have skipped over or didnt want to hear:

What does it take to grow vegtables? Land, a lot of land for so many people. What was once in place of these massive farms? Forest and bambi’s home. What like to live and eat in the big fields full of yummy vegtables? Animals. What happens to these animals when the massive blades used for harvesting the vegtables are used to collect the food? They die, by the hundreds, even thousands.

So this just shows the effect of how mis-information and group ideology can alter someones habits into a life changing event all beacuse of what one person or orginizations says or does…

Any way just thought id share, plus I feel better now…whew :wink:

I think for the most part people just follow trends. What’s trendy at the moment is what suits them. It’s not that their making a difference, it’s that their finding affiliation with a group that seperates them from the norm, then in return making them “special”. For every action there must be a reaction, a negative to every positive. I think you could almost put everyone in this category… Christians, Gays, … Red Sox fans and so forth… seriously anyone notice how fuckin cooool is to be a Red Sox fan in the last few years. I’m starting to feel wicked uncool, better buy a red sox hat, undies, shirt, shoes, mouth guard, scarf, and maybe those socks with the individual toes with Manny’s face on each. Eh … Such is life…

i have a couple friends who r vegans. it’s not that they dont eat animal products
cuz they believe they have rights or equal rights to humans. or so they say. it’s because there trying to promote a healthier life style for them self’s. with all the mad cow scares and flu’s who can kind of blame them.

my belief is peta

LMAO :banana


I do agree about nature activists, but there are some with a good purpose.

We need GranMassa in here with his strong opinion on this matter so I can argue him =)

alrighty then… :lol

People have all sorts of beliefs, some make sense and some (most) are bat shit crazy. There is nothing wrong with that at all. It’s whats makes this world interesting (i guess). I personally have no problem if someone else doesn’t believe what I believe, but I do have a HUGE problem when they try and “recruit” me into their BS. Activists have this brainwashed zombie-like way of living. They hang out with everyone that believes exactly how they do and all they talk about is what they believe in and how every one else should be just like them. So when they meet one of us “normal” people, they tend to bug you like an army recruiter and there is no way to steer them off the topic.

Their is nothing wrong with sharing your beliefs with others, but activists push the topic whether you like it or not. Their intentions maybe good, but they are so F-ing brainwashed to notice how crazy they really are. It’d be like me trying to convince the Indian guy I work with to eat a burger. I’d love to welcome him to flavor county and take a bite of the delicious minced cow patty, but that would be out of line since it’s against his religion to eat it. My intentions are good, but does that make it ok? NO!

i was vegetarian for a few years and i learned this while doing it:

  1. it can get expensive avoiding meat (no dollar menu, at mcdonalds)
  2. i lost a bunch of weight
  3. i felt extremely good, i had much more energy, and just felt revived all the way
    my conclusion: its a really good diet, but you need to have the time/ money to prepare decent meals, and i don’t have either.

one thing thats a common misconception about veganism is that they just eat vegetables and breads, or whatever. they actually eat much more than just veggies. there are many many foods available these days that mimic dairy/ meats and are made from soy. to tell you the truth, most of them are actually quite tasty too. if they weren’t so expensive i’d probably buy them all the time. next time your in the market, pick up a box of boca burgers. they make a type that is vegan. i’m telling you, you wouldn’t believe that there was no animal products in them unless someone told you.

Nothing compares to real meat. I’ve had boca burgers. Yes they are good, but they def do not compare to the real thing.

well of course they aren’t going to be exact, but all i’m saying is that there are more alternatives than people may know about. i love the morningstar farms chicken patties too.

chicken?! So you were on of those no red meat vegetarians?

nah dude it isn’t real chicken LOLOLOL :lol

they are called “chik patties.” go check them out if you don’t believe me.

when i was veg. i never ate any meat. that includes beef, pork, chicken, fish, etc. ;D

Should be start a veggie thread? :lol

I dont like pretty much any mean but chicken, and especially fish.

I would consider doing a personal self experiment with the chik patties and see how that works out, because if they are decent, and I don’t each much more meat than that, it could work out for a little bit. Highly doubt I’d do it permanent.