adam lambert at AMA's

what are your thoughts?;_ylt=AoAIdBLTSX2..CK9OibUHxWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTFrdXZybGRzBHBvcwMxNjkEc2VjA2FjY29yZGlvbl9lbnRlcnRhaW5tZW50BHNsawNhYmNzYXlzaXRoYXM-

Lambert said that he wanted to break down a double standard that existed where female performers are often sexually provocative while men don’t do it that often.

Yeah dumbshit…that’s because Men don’t need to stage fuck bitches to get laid.

Whitney Houston and Kelly Clarkson had WAY more class than Lady/Guy Gaga and Shakira. I never understood the whole “Boy Band” on-stage dancing.

BTW, Greenday FTW.

My wife watched this and I only caught parts.

Therefore I believe this to be a show only women should be concerned about.

who the fuck is this guy?

google said he was on american idol, still don’t give a shit

Gay dude that lost American Idol. This is him. Pretty decent recording IMO. Don’t know about the rest of his music. :gotme:

Call me gay, but i would probably rather see 2 dudes kiss on TV than 2 girls make out at a bar.

I fucking HATE that shit.


Sending this quote to DL_Buffalo on zee email. :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t mind 2 chicks making out but in a bar it

  1. is for attention
  2. usually makes all the guys around me SUPER annoying and loud.

At least it’s easy to ignore the TV

me, depends if they are sloppy drunk and just doing a quick suck-face or if they are actually making it a hot kiss.

still, you’re gay

haha this is the first thought that went through my mind.

I didn’t know him till i caught the highlights of the AMA’s.

I don’t wanna know him either, between the gay speech and nail polish i almost threw up. Its bad enough he made out with some other guy. Im glad i wasn’t there or sitting in the front. Sick shit lol.

nightshaded anything makes me want to throw up.

and no i am not searching for this shit. its headline news on yahoo.

Why is this fucking controversial?

Only terrible parents would allow their bratfaced kids to watch shit TV anyway.


Harley Riders?