adjusting tc rods

since i put my summers on ive ben gettign some rub. i had an alignment done so shouldnt be that. i was wondering if anyone knew how to properly adjust the tc rods.

the rims are flush in the wheel well and theyre just 17s. No prolem straight line but when i make turns i get rub within the wheel well. i never had this problem before with the same rims prior to my after market tC rods. if anyone knows how to adjust the tc rods correctly then let me know pls.

which rods do u have? if u had an alighment done, i don’t see how they would rub if the toe was set properly. u may ned some spacers

The TC rods just control caster

Obviously you have to adjust them on a proper alignment machine to get the exact caster settings, but if it rubs on the front, u can just move them back a bit, it shouldn’t change the toe settings.

well im running a 25mm spacer right now in the front. everythings flush but the rub is annoying. its an inconsistent rub. only the driver side does. thats why i was thinking it may be taht cuz thats the only adjustable suspension piece i have up front. i was also told that my passenger LCA is slightly bent so my steering wheel will pull towards the right sometimes… would that have any affect on it?

is it rubbing when you turn? and which way?

and like i said, the tc rods should have no effect on the steering, if your lca is bent your steering will probably be affected, however if u get an alignment they’ll make it work well again.

i had the alignment done and they said it couldnt be fixed unless i changed the LCA that is bent. only one side rubs. when i turn a little sharper the back of the drivers side tire rubs up on the inside portion of the wheel well. the bent LCA is also causing my steering wheel to pull to the right slightly when im driving in a straight line.

bomex had that problem too, it rubbed on the back a bit…

well I mean if you don’t want to change the LCA just tension the TC rod even more and that’ll fix the problem temporarily.