Admins - Prevent a_ahmed from posting in technical

I also vote in favour of antonio’s suggestion. Not that anyone would actually listen to what I have to say. I am just a 16 year old, morbidly obese, world of warcraft addict.

Dude, awesome, so am I?

Guys, don’t harp on him so hard. I encouraged him to post more and share the information he’s researched.

Part of being in a community is contributing information, if you are unwilling to contribute then why are you here?

I personally feel he has something to share and add to the community. I’ve heard that he has a clean chassis (very clean) and does a lot of work himself. Weight reduction is actually a cheap modification to make your car faster. Unsprung weight cannot be ignored and should be considered wisely when deciding on power modifications and suspension upgrades. Sure his thoughts wander to areas most of us just ignore but I’m sure there’s a diamond in the ruff somewhere.

It’s not that, it’s the fact that he constantly complains about how bad this forum is and how much better other forums are. If that’s the case, why doesn’t he just go to other forums? He also gives out bad advice and talks so much about his own car.

Ahmed, I know you’ve done a lot to your car and you want to tell yourself and everyone else that your money was well spent but if people ask for advice on apples, dont tell them that your orange is the best thing ever and that you want a banana next.

I don’t blame you for that though, whenever someone buys a certain brand or type of thing, they have to tell themselves that they made the right choice. Most people are insecure like that.

Cool!!! Lets be e-friends. Want to join my guild???

I’ll be your e-friend if we can e-spoon!

I used to play WoW and was a knight in a guild, it was called “The Knights Who Say Ni!” on staghelm. I have a level 60 warlock with 3 teir 1 epics… w00t.

I like the monty python inspiration.

It is only funny when I am being imagination nerdy. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

+1 for e-spooning. I call dibs on big spoon.

Orlando is gayer than me.

Nope thats not possible. Your still gayerest.


msg length comes close to being as gay though.


no one can outgay Dan, i think he tried to bum rush me at the TNC Meet lolz

x4 Wow that guy is gay.

You’re right. Ahmed should really read the posts first. And then… re-read them before replying.

I think he wanders off and gives advice about his “dream” car, when really, only a FEW (less than 10) can really afford to make such plans.

What can you do… ppl should research more before making a decision. Not just take Ahmed’s words and go buy parts.

x5 Dan offered to pay me in handjobs, and then he started to cry when I said I only accept cash money.

Orlando, go write in my feedback thread. It needs some beef.

Guys, stop being gay, i want in on the action.

Sorry, I only like big men

hmmmm Dan sounds perfect for you.

x6 he gay alright.

…just to be with the cool croud saying all this

dan i dont even know who you are sorry but i have to say it to be in with the “peeps”

wow you guys are nerds hahaha halo is so much better than WoW thats for damn straight!

back on subject i think that everyone should be able to have a voice on the forum but he does seem to go on and on and on! i would say just limit his word count and then maybe the important things that he has to say will come out.