Toyota MR2 drama

Ahmed, why are you talking like you’ve been there and done that?

The only thing you’ve been in is your automatic 240 and you’ve done nothing but ponder about what engine you are going to put in it.

Yeah he’s telling the guy he’s going to kill himself in it. Does he even personally know the guy and how he drives on the street or whatever? lol

It’s like going to a dealership and then guy is telling you that you will kill yourself in a mustang.

spaceman, keep in mind that you’re taking advice from a guy who keeps claming that his dad’s ford taurus out-brakes every 240 on the road.

I have a new policy of completely ignoring everything a_ahmed writes. If it’s longer than 2 sentences, I just scroll to the next post. I highly suggest everyone adopts this same policy.

Its been my policy for quite some time…does anybody ever have the time to read all that shit anyways?

Hey idiot, I drove one, I actually drove an aw11 4AGZE and a sw20 NA while you probably never even physically touched one. That would make me what, around end of high school/beginning of college having driven one, while you were a jr. in high school or still in elementary or something? I also drove a super 7 which I intended to build a few years ago and which I have also researched plenty. I have actually driven plenty of other faster cars than your piece of shit stock sr20det s13. Surprised? Should I care to even tell it, should I care to even bother responding to your faggotry insults or cynicism? After all you have an sr20det jdm tyte s13. Heck I even drove some alfa romeos and old tvrs. Cars you probably never even heard of.

So I own an s13 now? Does that mean I only drove my s13 in my whole entire life? You’d be surprised! Automatic? Wow that’s getting old. I gaurantee you my car can handle better than yours, and it has nothing to do with it being an auto or a manual. And I’ve been in your car, even though I haven’t driven it personally, but I can have a feel for a car just by being in it. All a manual car does is give you control over the power band, and well, just more control. Does it make you faster or slower as a driver? NOT really. I’ve driven a stock s13 manual, its alot more fun, but its SLOWER than my car. So stop your ‘ooh automatic’ idiotery. If you’re trying to insult me, be sure I love my car and it can handle faster than yours.

Maybe your faggotry needs to move somewhere else, like up your own ass or some of your faggot lover’s anuses?

OMG YOU GO TO THE TRACK, wow so you started going to the track to tell everyone you go to the track. Wow so you can now drive a car on a closed 2km course probably with restrictions where you can not overpass except on straights? Woopie do. Get over yourself you racist and clown talking piece of crap. Go back to fucken school.

And if you think a stock 240 has good brakes, you’re still a moron on my list. Go drive BETTER and NEWER cars to know how much your relatively stock sr20det’d car sucks.

Most idiots don’t know how to drive an MR car, it’s plain simply to put it, snappier, and you have to do things alot sooner, otherwise you’ll screw yourself over very fast by not reacting fast enough on a mistake. It’s more dangerous get it? But it’s fun. Just as an FR car differs from an FF car and how you have to drive it, so does an MR car. It’s not like gran turismo where pretty much every car feels the same except ‘hints’ at more understeer or oversteer to emulate real life…

Go fuck yourself.

See Ahmed, this is the kind of talk that will get you in shit. And I can’t help but feel sorry for you when you get attacked in all directions. Sad really. :dunno:

Your car can handle awesome. That’s great. Mine handles really well too. I’ve got more suspension work than Mark does on his car. But that doesn’t mean shit when you can’t use it to its full potential (read: shitty driver :frowning: ) and I found that out first hand at the last track event.

Don’t get me wrong, I read your car specs; they’re amazing. You’ve spent lots of time and money on it and its great but don’t come off saying that yours is better than someone else, especially when we’re talking handling, when you haven’t been at the track against them (where it counts).

How about this, next year’s Dunnville event, why don’t you come out. Mark will be at all of them. You two both indirectly seem to call each other out so might as well take take it somewhere where it matters.

Honestly I’m sick of this Ahmed vs. Fobwall fued but for some reason it keeps some Sonlings entertained, so the more I see this shit, the more it’s gettin moved to Drama. Be warned.

I believe you’ll find that’s spelled ‘anusi’.

haha…thats funny… okay first of all, u people are going to be like “Wtf” who the hells this guy… yes…i’m a nobody here. but i can definitely tell you that driving a stick mr2 is the same as every other fuking stick car… “and you have to do things alot sooner, otherwise you’ll screw yourself over very fast by not reacting fast enough on a mistake” <-- doing stupid shit in any car will get you hurt… it took me two days to learn stick on a 240 and i SUCKEd at it. i was completly fine driving an mr2.

EDIT BTW- IT’S JUST AN MR2 … why u talk like its a fucking ferrari?

B/C Ahmed is a moron, that’s why. Btw, I’ve noticed that you have stock brakes, you really should get Z32, or even stoptechs for that matter, because how do you even stop without that shit???

I love this forum.

mark your so racist. bahahahahaha.

get your class list yet?

Can’t We All just get along? kumbaya my lord, kumbaya.

Its in the drama section so I dont think anyone will stop.

mark u racist prick calling out a ahmed. that makes u racist cause hes not chineese. So if i call you out im a racist too

A ahmed your logic is flawed. U are the racist for calling mark racist. U need to get off ur pedestal and realize nobody here is actually racist. U just imagine it for yourself.

Was wondering when this would be moved to the Drama Section.

yea i know. we’ll see how far this goes

amazing post G

take it to the track children.

im neutral between these two - they both talk a lot of silly shit

i want to see whos faster on a track - ahmed makes a big claim that he is faster than fobwall.

ahmed, see you at the next dunnville event, yah? I’ll time you guys and film it too, we can put this issue to rest once and for all you silly kids and nobody can argue.

we’ll do it proper. fobwall can chase ahmed for a few laps and then we’ll witch it up and measure the gap.

lets see if this thread can hit 10 pages !!!

It’s just his constant bullshit in this case how my car is still auto. So fucken what? My point being it can still handle better than his oh holly sr20det manual. Does it really matter so much that he has to point it out and for all the ignoramuses to laugh about it. Like I said I don’t have one in my s13, woopie do, it drives and it depends on the driver how its driven. Sure his car is much much much faster in a straight line but so what, all he does is shit talk so I shit talk back. A stock 240 manual is slower and less responsive in handling than my car too, but hey its a manual. Is it more fun, in a different way yes a stock 240 manual is more ufn than my car, because its’ a manual. A manual car is TONS of fun to drive… but again woopie do?

Screw it, what a fagball. I had no problem with him, until his ego somehow started speaking out and shit talking to me. He’s a tiny little stick who talks shit alot.

All the time he talks shit when someone has something he does not, and how no one needs it and its unecessary, but when he gets it he thinks he’s the shit. Even frickin stripping the car’s interior, at first he was like oh you’re a retard, blabla, but then he himself did it.

And as a matter of fact, I do want to go to the track. I intended to go to a few autox events, but did not have a helmet and was broke, a friend of mine who has raced in the past (kind of out of it now, just rebuilds cars now), offered me a helmet but by the time now, it’s almost over the season. Plus I’m kind of broke and had to spend money on more important things in life. Just now I spent about 900$ on some suspension bits, made quite a difference, but I have very little time to work on the car now that I’m working, especially night shift (although I should be switching to day again soon hopefully). Lately all the free time i have, I spend with my family instead and my wife. While at workif there’s no work to do, I read about cars and things of that nature, that’s about it.

My rear tires are worn, i need to replace rear wheel bearings, I need to change tranny and dif fluid (diff is out i believe it clicks alot, i wana get an hlsd though but no money now). I need to replace my tie rods, but I’m waiting on spl to produce the parts. And finally I need an alignment after all that.

I would do a manual swap, but i dont want to waste money right now, as much more fun as it would be, i rather spend on other things right now. I don’t intend to go kat as i wanted to…

The faggot made racist comments in the past. Like go bomb somebody, or why don’t you blow yourself up.

He can go eat chinese dogs, cats and little babies. I’m sure everyone doesn’t mind that kind of humor, but I don’t like it one bit. Most of you are accustomed to talking like that, I don’t like it. If someone started saying to another chinese guy how he is cheap, or crooked, or makes poor quality products, eats dogs, cats and babies or even donkey penis as an exquisite cuisine, I would not ignore that person’s comments. Instead most just laugh.

You called him out and he didn’t respond, what a weiner. :moon: