Advantage of 5.3 heads

I’ve seen a lot of ppl getting 5.3 heads for their LS1’s as an upgrade… so, why are they so popular? what would a set be worth? i might have found some, but wanna know why everyone upgrades to them, and if i’ll have problems with them with my new cam

with out milling them u get a smaller combustion chamber, when i put mine on, i got a 2.00 intake valve put in tho, b/c stock 5.3s have 1.89 intake valve, i wouldnt have put my 5.3 heads on if i didnt get them for dirt dirt dirt cheap

they up your SCR which helps your DCR. i think a 241 casting is around 62cc and a 706 casting is 58cc, so your looking at about a half point in SCR. so you would be around 10.5. they flow the same just has a smaller intake valve and by upgrading to a 2.0 valve you would then help out the flow some more along with adding static compression. but by adding more compression youll need to run premimun fuel only

i run premium only anyhow…
so, you have to have them ported to put a 2.0 intake valve in them??
what about the exhuast valves?
and what woudl be a really really good deal?
and waht about the srpings and everythign i’ve just ordered? they could be used on these heads?

you dont have them ported, you just have someone cut a larger seat for the larger size valve. springs will work since all GenIII heads are interchangable. good price= 300 complete

exhaust valves are teh same, just like quick said, the seat will need to be cut for the 2.00 intake

but qick rear ur ls1 book up at JJ’s, 706 has 61.15cc and will make a compressino ratio of approximaltely 10.9:1

thanks for the correction i wasnt sure what it was exactly i know the LS6 are 64.5 - 65

how much to have the vavle seat cut?
and are the power gains really worth the money, or would my money be better invested in a good tune?
i’ve sorta been thinkin the latter of those two options

dude you need a tune, if you go with a cam you should deff get a tune. this isnt the time you should try and be cheap about things. man up and do it right or dont even bother. a tune will net you the most bang out of your combo, and they say for ever .5 in CR it ups you about 15-20rwhp but the biggest benefit youll see is in your dynamic compression will it will actually help the cam make more power. to low of a DCR will show typical results of the over cammed theory

that’s what i was saying… i felt that a good tune was probably a better choice with my money than going out and buying those heads…
i’d like to come down and have sam put on a tune as a good start, so that when i get it dyno-tuned, it wont take as long and destory my pocket book - since i think dyno tunes can get very expensive :dunno:

good luck with a local shop that tunes on a dyno. somewhere out in ohio or NY dont go to stropes. and brian ran high 11s with just a cam and sams tune.


ill be heading to gmr speed in ohio…if not there speed inc in chichago…
or stenoid in michagain

but your just doing heads and cam…sam tune on a dyno good to go!!

or by the software and blow it up your self i mean tune it your self


dont you think? i would of suggested them if they tuned domestics. last time i check Hybrid was imports

tuning is just regulating air/fuel and timing…

why couldnt they?

no LS1 software, thats why.

This thread needs to go bye bye before it gets out of hand. Quik and chad u 2 need to STFU already.

what did i say?? i just said tuning is a/f and timing.

go back to your board

thats a good comeback I figured a 2 faced little bitch like u could come up with something better then that./