Anyone installed these before? Any tips before I go cutting into my hood?
here’s a tip, it’s fairly simple… seek a professional… haha
Anyone else with some more useful advice?
The pins should come with some fairly good instructions. If you do not have them for whatever reason, they are on the website
All I can say really is check and re check your measurements before drilling or cutting
i think my advice was the most useful… but on a serious note… here’s what you do. you take the stencil and just sorta eye ball it… and start cutting away. as i always say cut twice don’t measure. good luck man!
edit: ok but seriously, i believe sky14 had his installed by Original drift master. Maybe pm him and see if he can do it for ya?
Talk to Sasha, he’s run them on both his S14 and his 350.
there was just an article in the latest turbo mag i believe. really good write up.
I’ll do it for ya sam, its easy…i just need very big hammer, if i miss, no worries, you got a nice open vent for intake