Afghanistan summer '09

hey guys
i might be called/volunteer for going to Afghanistan next summer when our base/planes go over for the 2nd time!!
i will keep u updated

lol ok

felt left out by mikes thread, so you made your own?

in that case… hey guys. im gonna go back to the Military. new thread pending.

Brett, man, you get bent outta shape with every military post. I know your not a bragger in any way, and thats cool, but lets support the moral of those that are still going. A lil pumping up doesn’t hurt. Yes, I see where your coming from.

im thrilled for mike. getting chosen for a commission is no easy feat and i wish him well on that. being given the title as a platoon leader and carrying out those orders is no simple task. my former Division Officer was a former Army scout platoon leader. he left the Army to go to the navy for a change of scenery, started enlisted in the Army, got commissioned, and went to Naval aviation… i have the utmost respect for anyone who serves honorably, and with pride. i wish each of them well in ther endeavors. i just like to poke fun for the timing of the thread.

I see that now.

You might put yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, both candidates in last night’s debate stated their intentions of pulling troops out of Iraq and putting them in Afghanistan PRETTY clearly.

if ur away, can i learn to drive stick in the viggen, Josh?

:naughty :gay :umm

what? i need some sort of a beater to learn on. ;D

sure with my hope to be in soon SPEC stg 3 clutch ;D

:haha :haha :runaway