
I think we should have a little section under where is sais our screan names and location that tells people our age.
I think sometimes knowing someones age makes a difference in the response, sometimes younger guys ask noob questions or something that older guys find stupid and then they get bashed for it.
If people are able to see that the person asking a stupid question is like 17 then I don’t think they will bash instead answer with a correction. Or if some 17 year old kid starts being a smartass to a 30 year old guy the guy can look at the kids age and understand the reason for the immaturity.

I’m just throwing it out there… whatever?

It may cause problems on a privacy note. Although to me, age is just a number, and I’m younger than 90% of my friends (I’m 20), some people just don’t look at it the same.

Age has little to do with maturity so that info is irrelevant.

^true but it does help with people asking silly questions to us that they dont have a clue ie, what motor is in a 240 some people may bash but knowing the age may help them understand that they justdont know

… I still get id’d at walmart buying call of duty … I’m 22 but most people mistake me to still be in highschool haha

I can see the pros of the age status- but i’m sure theres alot of cons aswell… its a idea to be considered tho

age shouldnt be put on the forum. its just a number like martino says.

age might also affect the sellers ‘sales’ cuz if the kids young then ppl might lowball him like crazy thinking he doesnt know anything. . . and ppl might fake their age?

I was asked for ID at the local LCBO this past weekend and was actually impressed until she said it was because my signature on the MC card had faded…:frowning: :(:frowning: But to the point --age doesn’t matter to me but it does help when a newbie lets us know that he/she is 16/17 so we can respond appropriately.
(PS I was 20 in 1979 :):):slight_smile: – 10 years before the first S13 :bigsmurf::bigsmurf: )

“Age is just a number” is something pedophiles tell themselves to make him or her(who am i kidding) believe that its ok to go out with 13 year olds. Trust me it makes a big difference. There are going to be way more immature 16-17 year olds than 20-21 year olds.

But adding a section under the usernames that state the age of the member is just like throwing a wounded sheep in front of a bunch of wolves. I could imagine everyone using the “they are young and stupid excuse” when a stupid question gets asked.

I joined SON when i was 16, and I never got belittled because of my age. BUT, before i opened my mouth i did a bit of research on what i needed to know and if something was unclear, then i would make a noob post

i wonder what the average age on SON is? personally i’m 24. been doing the s13 thing since i was about 20.

I support this.

Why isn’t this a poll anyway?

Lol, I’m referring to SON not sexual abuse.

Just because somebody is young does not mean they dont know what they’re talking about. Age is just a number, maturity is where it counts! “nitescream” has spoken!!

so should we have a maturity level bar? lol
like son members can click + or - on the maturitly level of a certain member because of things they said or done kinda like a rep thing but with maturity lmao

whats the point of that really? if a person is immature, son should ban them. But if a person doesnt know much about 240’s, they shouldnt get banned

I vote for a new thread w/ a poll … I’m 23 … I assume average age on here I’m geussing is 20-23…

we just need a rep system!!

Yes age is just a number, the whole point of this is to protect the younger crowd from bashing, if a 16-17 year old asks a noob or stupid question the older guy will think twice before bashing if he sees that the person asking is only like 16-17 and if he continues to bash then he will look like the idiot.

There are guys out there who are 16-17 years old and know nothing and there are 16-17 year olds that can take a 240sx apart and put it back together like nothing. Then there is the flip side to that, there are guys in their 30’s that know nothing and guys in their 30’s who do engine rebuilds while holding a sandwich in one hand and looking at porn at the same time lol!

It has nothing to do with who knows what, it has more to do with understanding and mutual respect for one another.

Should make the age displayed for members under 50 post or something