
^^^many ppl do the same thing on the 401 in the every morning…some
read books, some read newspapers. thats one of the reason for all the
accidents in the GTA.:mad:

wow some people. women are bad for that stuff books, makeup, hair lipstick etc. killer drivers.

i saw one on the cell phone and curling her hair while looking in the rear veiw at herself on the 401 going 140.

they say men are more high risk?

ye man, if your going to speed at least pay attention!

****ing hate people like that, when you are driving you need to pay attention. Stupid women like this just piss me off, and to think that men have higher insurance rates :mad:

you dont need to pay attention

you need to WATCH THE ROAD

i day dream all the time on the highway but i watch the road and am still aware of whats going on

Fair enough. It just sucks cause these are the people that cause problems for all of us. I once caught a guy driving going left and right, it was quite obvious he was drunk so I kept my distance. But I then realized that there was a child strapped on to a child seat at the back and I feared for the child’s safety. So I called the police and informed them about the driver. It was crazy cause he was going on to the other lanes, narrowly missing oncoming traffic.