so around 6PM, I sat on the couch, turned on the TV.
I passed out.
No one woke me up.
I just woke up, it’s like 12:20 ish
so around 6PM, I sat on the couch, turned on the TV.
I passed out.
No one woke me up.
I just woke up, it’s like 12:20 ish
what did you have to do?
:funny: awesome
i didn’t have to do anything
i DO however, need to go to work at 7
good times
was someone supposed to wake you up or something?
No, i just thought that maybe my mom or my sister would have the logic to wake me up so I’m not fucked tomorrow morning
I do it all the time, just to make time go by :tup:
Sleeping, my anti drug.
This happened to me every day for about a week at my first apartment…Then I found out my hot water heater was leaking Carbon Monoxide and that was putting me to sleep once I got home from school.
im jealous… sleep is something i don’t seem to get
Tylenol Simply Sleep FTW next time
I have taken naps in the middle of the day before and waken up the next morning, it suxors, I hate getting too much sleep
so how are you feeling this morning
um wow lol. what made you wake up? alarm clock? it’s ok, some brain cells grow back…
and i went into hibernation yesterday too. i was waiting for my sister to ask me to take her to starbucks, of course she didn’t wake me up.
I couldn’t sleep last night either. Too busy thinking about:
-Bailey (fiance’s Maltese) needs a Bordatella vaccine so we can take him to the kennel if need be for our trip to Boston this weekend.
-Should we take the dogs to the Kennel or find a way to get them to my parent’s house in Rochester so they can watch them for the weekend.
-Gotta put up a fence at my house before I leave for African/Europe for work on the 17th.
-Gotta close on the house before I can put up the fence.
-Gotta move between when I close and when I leave for Africa/Europe, with a 4 day trip to Boston thrown in the mix
-Fuck I’m gonna be gone on a business trip on my Fiance’s birthday. I’m such a dick…
-Gotta come up with a check for 560 for homeowner’s ASAP
-Gotta get my clutch replaced ASAP (Thank you dAn for helping me with this one)
-How do I drop my car off, pick my car up, return my future father-in-law’s 97 legacy GT wagon (which he’s letting me borrow while my Jetta’s down since his other car is a G35C)
I tried getting up and having a cup of decaf tea to relax (no worky)
I even tried :rolljerk: to get myself to stop thinking and fall asleep!
Finally at like 1:30 I fell asleep, only to wake up to the sound of the Maltese heaving and about to barf on the bed at 4am (it sleeps in the bed with my fiance), so I jump out of bed and hold him over his pee-pad so I don’t have to clean up dog barf. (no forum jokes please ) So he yacks, starts wheezing so I think he’s choking, then runs out into the entrance and sure enough, pees on the carpet. So I soak up a pee stain, go to the bathroom to toss the tp into the toilet, and step right on the steaming littel pile he just left on the bathroom rug for me. So then I spend about 15 minutes trying to get the shit (literally) out of the carpet and scrap it off my foot, then wash my foot in the tub and go back to bed.
Then at 5:30 the thing bolted out of bed snarling and yapping at godonlyknowswhat, and I chased it down and was about to wring it’s little neck before I realized that doing that might be detrimental to my sex life so I just put it back to bed and went back to sleep for another half hour.
Then 6am came way to fast, so I beat the piss out of the snooze button a couple of times, and then on with the day, working on addressing all the :bsflag: that had me up all night.
But I’m not all that tired now. :gotme:
Howie you need to fine tune your biological clock. Mine works down to the minute.
woke up this morning no problem
took a nice long shower
almost missed the bus
got to work
morning went good
i want to pass out now
i gotta go to the gym afterwards also