Heavy sleeper?

Alright well i have a large problem waking up any time i fall asleep. i can sleep thru damn near anything and when it comes to waking up nothing works. my alarm clock doesnt wake me, cell phone alarm doesnt wake me, having stuff thrown at me doesnt work, being pulled off my bed doesnt work. the only thing that OCCASIONALLY wakes me up is when my phone vibrates on the carpet next to my bed.

anyone have any suggestions?

my current remedy is not sleeping as much as possible, but after 3 weeks of getting next to no sleep is starting to catch up with me

Sounds like a good thing.I used to be the same way,I got in a routine though and my body knows its time to wake up at 7:30 everyday.My alarm clock is loud and annoying,so I have to physically get out of bed to shut it off.

Get a CD player alarm clock,burn a CD of music you cant stand and try waking up to it on full blast.

lol, its a good idea, but i also have to make sure i don’t wake everyone else in the house up in the process which is a part of the issue i failed to mention.

well what time are u goin to bed and what time r u tring to wake up? when i really got to wake up i set an alarm next to my bed, one across the room, the t.v to turn on and my cell to all go off at the same time so i actually have to work to turn them all off

this thing has been around for a while, go buy one…


well what time are u goin to bed and what time r u tring to wake up? when i really got to wake up i set an alarm next to my bed, one across the room, the t.v to turn on and my cell to all go off at the same time so i actually have to work to turn them all off


currently i’m trying to do 1am-130 bed time and wake up at 930.

when im in school i try to do 12am-wake up at 7

seems to never work out for me.

i’ll wake up between 1pm and 7pm depending on the day.

the only thing keeping me from sleeping so late lately is im anxiously waiting for things to come in the mail. lol.


this thing has been around for a while, go buy one…


any idea how far that thing can go? my room is kinda messy, and if it can escape my room, down the stairs it goes. if it only goes so far, i might as well send some paypal info and pick one up.


thats about the same sleep pattern im on im about 1:30/2am-between 9/9:30am but im so used to it even when i want to sleep in i cant

there are some vids on Youtube, its called “clocky”


thats about the same sleep pattern im on im about 1:30/2am-between 9/9:30am but im so used to it even when i want to sleep in i cant


id rather have that than sleeping in at this point.


there are some vids on Youtube, its called “clocky”


looks pretty neat, its worth a shot.

Go to bed excited to wake up. I can rarely do it effectively, as it requires one hell of a proactive mindset, but it’s entirely possible to will yourself to be excited for a new day as you fall asleep. When I can successfully convince myself that I am eager to face whatever tomorrow brings, it’s a lot easier to wake up.

clocky FTW, that bastard gets around.

I used to have this issue my first year in college. I would set my alarm on my radio (or computer) and put some bass music on, real loud.

It would raise the fucking dead. I also had two 12 inch sub-woofers under my bed. But hey.


Go to bed excited to wake up. I can rarely do it effectively, as it requires one hell of a proactive mindset, but it’s entirely possible to will yourself to be excited for a new day as you fall asleep. When I can successfully convince myself that I am eager to face whatever tomorrow brings, it’s a lot easier to wake up.


this could be part of my problem, along with the stress of not being able to currently be employed and not having to go to school til january, but i keep trying.

Pay me money and I will assure you I can wake you up. My brother is the same way he is a pain in the ass to wake up, so one day he pissed me off and I slugged him in the face, now he knows to wake up when I say to.

Sounds psychological. Gotta find a “good” reason to get up. Not a forced reason, but a reason to “want” to get out of bed.

As for that running around alarm clock, I think I would get out of bed all sorts of pissed off at it, curb stomp it, and go back to bed sleeping even more soundly thanks to the satisfaction of killing that little fucker. :lol:

Myself? I don’t know why the fuck I’m still up. Probably all the caffein/energy drinks I downed today because I was so tired. But I think I’ll get up OK tomorrow. Got lotsa technical stuff and no BS waiting for me at work. Fun stuff…


As for that running around alarm clock, I think I would get out of bed all sorts of pissed off at it, curb stomp it, and go back to bed sleeping even more soundly thanks to the satisfaction of killing that little


He is tuff to break. They make a padded version too, which is even worse.

If a vibrating phone wakes you: They make alarms clocks that are unbearably loud and vibrate hard as well.
Search on amazon. There is bound to be a ton.

I used to find I would turn alarms off while still asleep. Moving it away from my bed solved it for me.

I used to have difficulty waking up, now I am up by 7am everyday, even if I don’t need to be. I usually go to bed around 11:30-12.

Make sure you need to physically get up out of bed to turn off the alarm.


there are some vids on Youtube, its called “clocky”


I’d rather wake up tired and in a good mood then awake in a pissed mood. lol that thing would be thrown off a bridge so quick


“wake and shake!”

wow i wish i could sleep in, im so used to waking up early everyday, i can wake up at the exact time everyday without an alarm clock. when i try to sleep in on the weekends im up at 9 lol…