Heavy sleeper?

weird…I hear the click that my alarm clock makes right before it goes off…and that wakes me up…

^ that happens to me too sometimes.

but other times i can sleep through so much shit.

Solution for the messy room


Solution for the messy room


awesome thanks for the Christmas gift idea


Go to bed excited to wake up. I can rarely do it effectively, as it requires one hell of a proactive mindset, but it’s entirely possible to will yourself to be excited for a new day as you fall asleep. When I can successfully convince myself that I am eager to face whatever tomorrow brings, it’s a lot easier to wake up.


This is true.


This is true.


I try, not much to be excited about currently. especially in the winter.

this little babys still sitting in the spare room at the ritz… im a suuuuper heavy sleeper, my alarm clock goes off and i wake up to my gf smaking me cause i dont wake up for it haha…

set this up to a timer, omg you’ll wake up. http://www.youtube.com/v/hnHPDssvApA&rel=1


so i got one of the sonic alert units. today was the first day i used it

yea. that fucker will wake you up from a dead sleep faster then u can say WTF

Was it reasonably priced? I don’t wanna have this issue when I start school again lol.

$38+shipping… so twice as much as a normal alarm clock, but at LEAST 3 times more effective

and i put the bed shaker at the corner of my queen size matress, today when it went off i was all the way on the far side of the bed and it still shook the shit out of me

it would probably be even more effective if i slid the shaker over to roughly below the pillow

Do you have a link to it? I’m going to get this.


mine i got of ebay for $38 w/ free shipping, which i think was a mistake in the sellers auction, cause all the rest he had listed had $8 shipping charges

do you drink caffeinated drinks? sometimes that makes it difficult to get back up once you go to sleep.

good luck


You’re not getting enough sleep.

I’ll look around on egay first. if not i’ll get one from there. thanks

I usually do in the AM to get me going (coffee) and occasionally with dinner I’ll have pop instead of the usual milk I seem to always drink lol.

other than that i’ve really cut back on caffeine.

Not everyone needs a full 8 hours. My doctor told me to sleep different lengths of time, with close to the same routine before hand and see which best makes me feel awake/refreshed.

i’ll never have you wake me up

oen thing ive come to realize about my sonic boom alarm clock:

the cord for the bed shaker is a great way for me still 1/2 asleep ass to drag the clock off my desk to rip the cords out of the back to shut it off. ive resorted to hiding the alarmclock out of reach behind my bed.

i cant make it through the headboard to grab the shaker cord, and grabbing the power cord requires moving the nightstand.

good thing the shaker and power cords arent hardwired to the back of the alarm inself, otherwise it wouldnt have lasted a week, lol