Air Filter Comparison Test

Sorry if this is a re-post. Searched and couldn’t find. Mod, delete if duplicate.

If you are looking at air intake options here is a link to an objective test comparing different filters. Each one in the test provided about the same horse power gains but the amount of filtration is alarming. Sorry foam guys.

Good thing i have an apexi. :lol:

Dave I posted that on GTRC about a year ago, and I think it’s somewhere here too :stuck_out_tongue:

I have the Blitz filters 8)

HKS all the way…not sure why APEX’i is leading…too restrictive, make turbo whistle go bye bye…

dumb double post…edit

I think I recall that but I couldn’t find it here.

Leading?? Could be because it is the best at filtration according to this test and adds the same HP as any of the others???

I also choose keeping the inside of my engine heathy over “turbo whistle” any day.

I have my option mag here from this month and they compare air filters and diffrent throttle bodys and MAFs. I will translate and take pictures if I have time but I think Apexi was the best filter. The HKS didnt filter too well. There is also voltage charts for every MAF including the VG, RB,SR, CA, VK ect

I kind of wonder about the HP gains they claim. I have actual dyno sheets proving that a K&N filter made LESS HP than an old dirty OEM filter on a big block Ford. I find it hard to believe that any would be a 14 HP gain too.

Damn stupid Blitz filter not doing its job!

On a Supra TT I’m sure it would have made the claimed 14rwhp gain.

I don’t know what I’m running, whatever comes on the NSIMO CAI I guess.

Apexi is the best for filtration and power. Tests prove that.

yea, it’s been posted here before. i still haven’t swapped out my HKS for an apexi yet. :frowning:

That’s the article that convinced me to go Apexi.

Any thoughts on where to buy filter elements down the road? I hear Apexi is no longer operating.

Didn’t it say in the article that the Apexi was a lifetime filter? I presume that means you can just remove it, blow it out, and then replace it so you wouldn’t need a replacement filter element…

Apexi is still around. Just clean out the filter and replace it when it gets too dirty. Simmilar to the HKS

So dry mesh was the most effective? Hmm, I wonder how my cheap ass Ractive dry mesh filter stacks up. I ran it for almost 3000k once and checked the inside of the throttle body for that thin film of grime you sometimes find, and nothing. Only downside is that it makes a rather loud hissing/suction noise when you stomp it. Maybe I’ll do my own test with it.

Very cool.

I’ll have to brush up on my reading comprehension! :?


were can i get a apex filter from and how much

Before anyone can answer that question it would be helpful to know the application?

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