Aiya, I totally sold out to daily driver comfort

I’ve drivin a couple of those CLK55…its a fawkn rocket! :tspry:

it has 41K on the odo…and i’d be willing to bet MOST people in this thread could afford it

Nice choice Joe. Although ive gotta admit, i liked the white 335 better :smiley: Enjoy it! :tup:

I know, I couldn’t wait and this was less expensive to the point of me being able to pay cash…so when the EVO sells I’ll be well on the way to house #2

Smart man. :tup:

Hot!! Just needs some matching black rims with a chrome lip.

Awesome man congrats, theres nothing like a comfy luxury DD. :tup:

torque monster

100-160 roll?

100-155 :frowning:

Did I mention it includes 4 extra stock AMG wheels :lol:

limiters are for pussies

:confused: I know…

amg vs m wars begin…

Should have gotten the Exige…but still, nice car.

Very nice car. Always liked them

what year… how much do they normally sell for?

Meh I liked the bimmer idea alot more. If you like CLKs see this thread


Hot, you got this car for a great price.

Auto :picard:

You bought a Mercedes?!?!?
Holy shit, you God damn Republican!!!:stuck_out_tongue:
You are the first lefty I have ever known to drive a Mercedes.
Go buy a Saab or Volvo.:biglaugh:

By the way, nice car.:smiley: