AKA Rally 2006.5

Yep, I cruised with Jen and Junior for the majority of the rally. Good people :tup:

Bring the Lotus on this coming summer’s AKA '07 Rally. I’ll be sure to post up when we have details on it.

Sweet pics and sweet saggy boobs!

looks like you guys had a blast.

Chris does indeed put on a DAMNED good Rally - and it’s not as tough on cars as you’d think - vinly comes of easily enough anyway hehe :wink: You should go next summer…

Looked like entirely too much fun. Minus the breakdown of course.

Awesome :tup:

The only thing that always stops me from signing up for one of these rallys is the way cops try to pull you over for nothing.

Other than that, looks like fun.

on 2005 we only had 2 cop stops, one resulted in a ticket, one I went to Jail (but no ticket, and it was dealt with by my lawyer back here ASAP, fucking south). the cops are not as bad as it’s made out to be - it’s not Gumball / like the Hollywood image wants you to see it.

It’s becoming a bit of an AKA Rally tradition for me…

Dave, from what I’ve seen/heard, '05 was the SLOWEST of all the rallies. I can attest '06 was tons of tickets, 6.5 was a few but that was mostly because we werent on highways much. Hell, in '06 in one day I saw 6 100mph + tickets and a bunch of smaller ones.

I ate on that damn wing every chance I got, just because.

Myself and the black e36 M3 provided for some good footage on that hairpin. :wink:


Haha, I was thinking the MR2, it’d be more likely to handle the rally without breaking down, haha. But we’ll see…

Dmoffit, I’m not worried about vinyl dude, haha, the cars are meant to be used right? My cars don’t have flaws…they have character, haha.

That fudge shop, is that route 2 in massachusetts(sp?) There is a 42 mile stretch between troy NY and greenville (i think) mass. It is the most beautiful stretch of highway winding through the mountains. That fudge shop is located at the top of the mountain where you pass through a complete 180 uphill. Then you can look back at NY.

As for the breakdown. Talked to dave, I’m glad that the electrical issue has nothing to do with our work. I would have been pissed.

edit: I just saw the rest of the pics. That is my favorite drive ever. I have done it a few times. Mostly going to maine for the Maine Forest Pro Rally…FUCKING AMAZING>…I want to take a weekend and rent a hotel in troy with some people and go pound those roads hard.

Looks like you had a hell of a time Mike.

Carnut: T:up on staying in Troy. I go to NH a couple of times a year and the Rt 9 mountain roads through VT are absolutly amazing.

Looks like a great time. I really want to do a Rally at some point.

I’ll let you know when we have video footage from the hairpin :wink:

As for the electrical, yeah, it was definitely the stuff done by others not by you guys at hybrid. I may come out with Dave or just give him a list. We’ll see.

Standing with my proof of license just before the rally (it was faxed up to the hotel so it was proof, but it wasnt technically “legal”)

Tons more pics coming. I’ll put more up tonight.

holy shit, elise, nsx, skyline, m6, m3, STi, TTZand a few others, i couldnt decide what i would want!

very cool :tup:


who went 201mph?

wow dude fucking sick sounds like an awsome time