Albany: As Seen On Jalopnik

Looks like this may be the case. The fountain is not going to be turned on at all this year. Pretty dissapointing seeing as it’s a nice place to hang out after class when it gets nicer out. Along with it not being turned on at all this year it will be under construction for the next 2-3 years.

Wondering where the student raised money($46,000) for fountain day is going?

^ Probably to pay for lawsuits the school is getting. :rofl

what lawsuits?

I’m sure the school is appreciate of the bad press it’s getting from this. Stuff like this hinders parents allowing their kids to go to the college, etc.

True it is bad press, but it is press. UAlbany still ranks high in a lot of their majors and I think they are #3 out of all SUNY schools. I’m also pretty sure they won’t see a drop in admissions at all. When I was living on campus a few years ago it was extremely overcrowded due to so many admissions being accepted. 3-4 people in a dorm normally used for two. So i’m not really seeing them losing money or anything from this that would cause a lawsuit.

Its a school not Lyndsay Lohan. Bad press isnt good press like movie stars. Its like thinking of buying a Toyota and thinking the throttle might stick.

I dont think the lawsuit worry is from people thinking that these actions would tarnish their degrees, names, or school. More from the people living on that street dealing with the bullshit kids, culminating in the douchbaggery kegs and eggs event. IE property damage would be my first guess.

Sure it can be, UAlbany has been all over the news lately and not just for the riot. The clean-up was given press, the fountain was given press and i’m sure the tame event they have planned instead of fountain day will also get press along with all the efforts to make UAlbany a '‘legit’ school instead of party central. Because of the bad press they are getting, they are going to get TONS of good press of how the school is turning around etc. All this is doing is getting the Ualbany name out there. Press is press.

Yo Rita, press officiando.

Idiot kids.

this is also a press

Glad to see you learned to use google image search.

yup, sure did. glad to see you all butt hurt about this event at suny.

Not at all.

i think its great that it happened. i feel for the victims though, but the offenders, not so much, and with those hood rats out of the school, it makes more room for people who are interested in an education, and maybe no so much in partying and being the cool kid in the frat house.

It just goes to show that prospective emo bullshit will not be tolerated in our city.

Might be on the news tonight in the background behind the smaller fountain… fuck yeah

Kid i bowl with’s car was in the video. Was the one that had the broken bottle sitting on the roof and the kid filming takes it off and throws it under the car. They dented the crap out of the car and broke the mirrors. Pwnt

Bunch of fucking idiots. I dont see how that is fun in anyway.

I’m all for getting drunk. I’ve been blackout drunk a few times and have never had the urge to break things. I fell down a flight of stairs once and broke a railing, but that’s about the extent of my drunk damage.