Albany Saratoga Speedway Drifting, Malta NY. May 8th, July 10th and Sept 25th

Good point. maybe if i have time next week, i can run down to diamond graphics around the corner and have kendra make me a small but yet noticable sign/banner for the road. Saying Free drift event here (sponsored by drift hustle etc etc…) Would get more people in…just passing by i think.
Altho then it creates a new problem of the more people = more problems. If you guys are interested id really buy one. i forgot to post this on SLIDENY last night.

also just so you know we are drift hustle not d-faction.

ninja edit.

i understand that, but really it shouldn’t happen during an event. if you can handle yourself and not let it show it wouldn’t be an issue but that wasn’t the case.

good call. we should have something out by the road to draw people in.

Also, when we have LVD events theres ALWAYS alot of people. (granted bc d faction is doing it) but you cant go on d faction and post up a link letting everyone that drifts at lvd goto malta?
Granted, Malta is only a circle track and many people arent in favor of them, its still more money in bruces pocket. and also more people out there getting seat time.
Just a thought, though i know some of you will probably shoot it down. Its still more insight then most people are putting out. :lol

It’s not always free.


Two diff 7’s I have 3 Fc’s and josh has 1 Fc. I am heading to Malta tonight to check it out.

i saw a thread for drifting at malta on d-faction. unless i’m not getting what you’re trying to say.

I can probly force sam to stand out by the road in bikin with a sign for a little while.

That will get people coming in

In also to help with security

this will cause accidents…just sayin :lol

In for saturday.

should be in as long i get out of going to CT with the g.f

Mother fucker you better be there i wont know anyone else thats gunna be there. Im gunna be the kid in the corner who everyone makes fun of.

Not sure if I will be there or not



