Alcohol before noon

Who else is a fan? :number1

Define “before noon”, after midnight?

No, noon as in when the sun is out and normal people are going about their day.

You know chris, every time you make one of these threads, whether its about drinking or girls

It just makes you look like an attention wanting faggot


:rofl :rofl

This forum needs more drinking threads. Theres enough talk of buttfucking and drifting to last until 2012

Every thread you make has to do with soem sort of alcohol abuse, your depression medication or the lack of self confidence when it comes with woman and them not wanting you.

I think this is the third drinkign thread ive seen you make

This isnt your freshmen year of highschool, talking about how many beers you slammed the night before and the fact that you start drinking before noon doesnt make you cool.

^It does make you cool :thumbup

Was the standard in college. Now its before 5:30pm, only because my boss didn’t appreciate my beer fridge in the office.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

There is nothing wrong with adding a “little” Bailey’s to your coffee in the morning.

And to be honest, if you drank the night before, the best way to beat a hangover is to pop another bottle as soon as you wake up.


There are two occasions that I drink before noon…

  1. After a long night of drinking, and still drunk with hangover starting…easing out of being drunk always helps me with hangover. I like to incorporate it in with a good breakfast. BEERIOS FTMFW!!!

  2. On the day of countryfest! When I’m trashed before 8 am!!

if im donezo on friday night and have no work to do til monday ill casually drink all day saturday until saturday night

Usually only time I will drink before noon is St.Patty’s day. Kegs and eggs ftw

kegs and eggs :ahh :ahh :ahh :ahh :ahh i’m at fuckin work from 8am til 5 or 6 am. fuckin drunk assholes I HATE YOU!!

Ha ha see you done there ass fuck. I will expect free entry

I rarely agree with you, but I’m giving a big +1 to this.

mackenzie being all mature and shit

I cant deny or confirm that my coffee mug on my drives in contain Jager and RedBull. :ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja