All aboard the NY Giants Failboat

+1 they didnt show up to play denver did. I have nothing to add Walt hit it right on the head. Continue on.

:ponder How is the Giants Failbaot today. Everyone on board?

toot toot. I made a thread about how i feel about it lol

waiting on the Dallas failboiz to meet us at the rendevous point so we can party.

I dont know about you but Dallas played extremely well beating the saints and have been looking better as the Giants have tanked since week 5 and havent stopped spiraling yet. Go back to e-thugging elsewhere

<— hopes for epic failure by the Cowboys tonight and not because I want the Giants to still have a chance in the playoffs, because it would just be embarrassing to watch them get stomped if they had to play a good team, but just because it would be amusing to watch the team the Giants stomped beat the Cowboys.

e-thugging? who started this thread originally? you did.

im just replying to this post you made.

once again “JVG” get over yourself.

Like it was to watch carolina stomp the giants like the cowboys stomped carolina earlier. Still isnt going to change that the Giants team is awful particularly the defense’s tackling skills :rofl. Flat out embarassing

You’re right…but even thought the Giants won’t make the playoffs…they still beat the Cowboys twice this year!

Wah, this thread was a response to Shawns Failboys thread. It was only fair as the Giants blew it harder then a porn star in gang bang

playing better than the Giants since week 5 wont help the downward spiral Dallas has been on for the last 13 year, it will come to an end shortly, u know it

Dallas playing well especially in December. They will get over the hump. They are in a better place then the Giants currently

Rough day for Giants. I understanding losing. Everyone has to go through it. But, to not show up is unacceptable.

Cowboys 11 minutes from clinching a spot in the playoffs and ending the giants season! Werd!

Failboys deserve it this year. But, they will have a quick end. fate.

Negative…the Giants ended there season when they fell apart after a 5-0 start.

Dallas and the Eagles in that order playing Solid football right now

Solid football? The Eagles are playing excellent football and the Cowboys are playing average football, the Cowboys lost to the Giants then to the Chargers, beat the Saints who are playing TERRIBLE these last few weeks, and beat the Redskins (who the Giants stomped) and next week the Cowboys play the Eagles, take it how you want the but the Cowboys are not even in the same league as the Eagles right now.

Cowboys handled the Eagles well already this year and the Eagles didnt play well against a struggling Denver team this year. Giants game is what it is and the Chargers are unbeatable in December. Go study your stats after next week you Giants fans will have a lot of time for excuses and contemplation or what might have been. :ahh

The Giants game is what it is??? Ok then I can say the Eagles game against the Broncos is what it is but stats are stats and the Eagles have won 6 straight…and the Cowboys didn’t exactly “handle” the Eagles at least I don’t consider a 20-16 win “handling” a team.