All the Aircraft carriers in the world


by air force, you clearly mean chair force

really bro? what about the aircraft that carry laser guided missles, smart bombs, etc? the US Navy has every theatre we are operating in covered right now. you do realize that us US NAVY has THE WORLDS LARGEST “AIR FORCE” dont you? fleet size is relevant to the operations. If you knew anything, you would know that operations on the ground do not take place without operations in the sky. without those ships, you have no battle groups, without battle groups you do not have aircraft carriers, etc etc etc. maybe in your peanut brain you would see it as a perfect wordl scenario, but in the real world, thats just never going to happen.

Yes my peanut brain. LOL!!
When was the last major navel battle. Let me tell you it 1988 we sunk an Iranian ship in retaliation for them mining one of ours. Last time they did there real job. We have air force based in Saudi Arabia and Qatar to name just 2. So why do we need 2 carriers based in the gulf. All they due is watch Iran just in case that’s it. Its a waste. Btw that I believe ends soon. I’ve watched the airspace in Iraq on one of my deployments there. I was with an Army Apache unit. Never saw any Navy aircraft in our airspace hmm I wonder why. Saw quite a few Air force and Marines but never any Navy?

My peanut brain did 13 years of service in the US Army with 2.5 years in combat zones.

When I was in 2-14th Infantry 10th Mountain Division the entire time deployed ALL of our close air support was done by predator or apache.

The battlefield has changed They need to enforce sanctions on countrys by inspecting ship that say might try to move arms or oil from Iran to other countrys. I truly dought that that task requires 2 carriers.

So say what you want but I won’t buy into the hype.

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Ohh and check your numbers.
US Air Force = 5,573 aircraft and number of Fighter Aircraft = 1,787
US Navy = 3,700 aircraft and number of Fighter Aircraft = 969

These number dont include Bombers but the Navy doesn’t have any of those.


Really not gonna get into the whole my branch is better than your branch bullshit but if you think the navy is not needed you are a fucking retard. One main reason why nuclear countries stay in check is because the NAVY carries the nukes and can be at their “doorstep” pretty quick.

I was on the Vinson 10-11 but have a little over 12 months at sea with dets/ work ups and CQ as well

I never said not needed I said change of mission.
They just don’t need to have 11 Carriers that we pay for when there job has so drastically changed since the 80’s.

If anything we need more ships. Just because we 11 carriers doesn’t mean they’re all deployed at the same time, some are in port being retrofitted and refit while their crews are at rest. While I agree that technology has made it easier to operate a warship with less crew you still can’t have a ship in two places at once. The Unites States has a lot of naval obligations and we have too few ships to properly do the job. Then you have China that’s building its fleet at an alarming rate so they can project their power and protect their interests throughout the world. To fulfill its obligations the navy needs close to 350 ships in operation but right now we’re closer to 265, if the current budget stays true then our numbers are in the low 200’s and that’s less than China.

I know how the Navy works man I know all about it in port out of port retro fit bs that’s done by civilian contractors 90% of the time. I work with 2 retired Chiefs.

The Navy’s numbers went down under Bush and have risen by 10% under Obama.
Do you guys check the facts that these clowns spit out.

Wow 10 whole ships! I retract my argument and appoint you admiral of the universe.

It said 10%
Did you even read the artical no cuz your so closed minded that you cant see any other views except knucle dragging fools.


Get in line!!! BAAHHHHH!!!

Done with you.

The only close minded fool in this thread is you.

we wouldnt have the fleet we have if we didnt need the fleet we have. EoS.


Specialkid being Specialkid.

You do realize that the entire planet is covered by US ballistic missile submarines who can launch their payload at a moments’ notice and end any country with a few key strokes, right? Also, carriers are pretty f’n fast and can be “on station” in an alarmingly low amount of time. Oh, and how do you think Marines get to their destination? They are part of the Navy, and typically make movement via our ships. If you, for one second, think that Naval ships aren’t highly involved, or important to, the projection of force from the United States Navy, and/or cannot react to any given threat in a more than timely manner, you are sorely mistaken. Army grunts, while also important, cannot project the support necessary in as timely a manner as the Navy and Marines, PERDIOD…

Found this interesting.

“The total cost of corrosion for DoD is $22.5 billion, with $20.9 billion derived from maintenance records from the military services’ various databases and $1.6 billion from sources outside normal reporting. We estimated corrosion as a percentage of maintenance for DoD to be 23.0 percent. This includes both infrastructure and facilities (15.1 percent) and weapon systems/equipment (24.0 percent). The corrosion cost for infrastructure and facilities is $1.8 billion, while the corrosion cost for weapon systems and equipment is $20.7 billion.”

Good content and read. Thanks!