All the cool kids are buying one...


Cool beans duder!

good man!!


Its all my fault :poke::poke::poke::poke:


I had nothing to do with it. :eekdance:

Time for some Euro on Euro crime when the snow clears (or possibly before).:burnout:

Nice pickup! My buddy Alan just got a white coupe with the dream red interior, I love that car.

Way to be X…


from Towne?

ahh, that’s what I hope to get once I get a more steady job. after seeing turner’s e90 at oktoberfest I fell in love with white


I didn’t pay way too much, so no.


nice!!! how long before it’s faster than the vette?

What vette?

I thought he had a Z06?

I’m pretty sure he posted he got rid of it…

Very cool Xander.

No more Vette. I needed to get back to my german car roots. With the potential of the 335 it was an easy choice.

