All the cool kids are buying one...

So I caved, even in the trendy white color.

I really wanted a coupe, but sedan is a little more low key for work, so WTF.


good god. too many bmw owners.


Just wondering if you traded in the Passat or sold it outright, or are going to try and sell it?

its just like its just like a MINI MALL!!! gorgeous car!!! A great deal too!!! congrats!!


lol u FAG

They gave me $3500 for it, I couldn’t pass that deal up.



Very nice

rehost so i may drool.

awesome. I like.

Very nice!

Looking at it’s profile, the shape of the sedan reminds me of a maxima.

Nice pickup

Pretty clean for having 100k miles on it like the other 5 BMWs that were posted here.

Oh wait…is this NEW? hehe

Nice pickup. Love these new models.

nice car!

HOLY SHIT, good for you. Then again the car just had high miles, it wasn’t beat on. Was Hank sad to see it go?

nice car :tup:

Awesome buy. White is the best.

Did you know that Western New York is one of BMW’s top selling regions in the US? :roll: