All this talk about moving, where would you?

lol true.

i had the balls to move to FL…tried it…hated it, came back. Im just happy that i did it.

as of now i dont see myself moving anywhere anytime soon. Im happy here for the most part. I was offered a job in Costa Rica, which is amazing, but i jsut cant see myself living there at this point in my life… in the next 5-6 years, maybe, but we will see

Macon, GA
Corpus Christi, TX
Reno, NV
Maybe Colombus, OH

Have some family ties that have to die before we left. Even then, no reason to leave though

Calgary. Similar weather but less humidity, booming economy, good car scene and lots of drunks.

Haha, I have this conversation with myself DAILY.

I could have my dream job as a designer at Polaris…which happens to be in Minneapolis where I’m from. I have a great family and great friends there that would make the transition so easy. Only downside to it is winters…which brings me to my next choice.

I absolutely love evreything about thet West…Phoenix, LA, Vegas, Denver, etc. The heat doesn’t bother me and I would really like to try living somewhere with year round warmth, yet still be a few hours drive from some snow should I wish to blow the dust off the snowboard every once in a while. Downside here is I’m still far from family.

Buffalo has been a great place to be for the past 4 years for me, if the weather were warmer year round this place would be perfect!

I used to live in San Diego. I want to go back all the timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Ellicott City/Columbia MD… we got voted #8 best city to live in the US.


A nice red state that understands the key to a strong economy is to not tax the fuck out of your residents.

Family keeps me here though.

Likely Colorado

Houston TX Tampa Bay Florida, or Pheonix Arizona.

In order of preference

The more I think about it, the more I see myself applying for jobs in Hawaii after school. I can easily see myself spending 5 or so years there, then coming back to settle down on the mainland.

Gotta do it while I’m young right?

why and why not?

Houston, texas - I have relatives there all fucking millionaires, I would have a cake job making mid 6 digits. I love the area.

Tampa Florida - Again relatives not as rich but again i love the area.

Pheonix, Arizona - Growing like whoa, hot temps (I love hot weather), and It could be a life that i made instead of just handed to me

so u dont need to go there
or anywhere of the places u listed

Looks like I’m staying in buffalo with my one true love

So far I’ve lived in:

Rochester, NY
Chicago, IL
West Palm Beach, FL
Las Vegas, NV (currently)

Out of all of those places if I had to choose one to move back to I’d pick Chicago. Very fun city to live in but I don’t know about buying a house there. West Palm Beach was alright for 1.5 years but wasn’t a place I could live forever. It would take a huge event in my life to get me to move back to Rochester. I’ve been gone from there for 4 years and the only things I miss are the food and the people.

damn right

Definitely San Diego. Loved everything about it when I was down there. (well, other than the fact that I don’t speak spanish) It’s really far, but I like year round warmth without 100% humidity and an abundance of redneck republicans

Oahu would be nice.

I’d live in Windhoek Namibia for a year or two.

Most of the places I’ve been have poor weather and/or poor people.

Hilton Head, SC beautiful area
Pittsburgh, PA
Raleigh/Fayetteville, NC

I love the Carolinas but he only thing that worries me is i think there will be little to no places to play hockey, o yea and hurricanes.

the only downfall to Pittsburgh would be winters, but at least they dont use salt, iirc. plus i have family there, and its one of the bigger hockey cities in the US.


After spending a few weeks there I was totally sold, I love it. Only negative to me is the insane cost of housing unless you want to live in the desert.

Also liked Wilmington, NC quite a bit but the job market there seems pretty weak. Plus once you get out of the city, there is NOTHING for like 90 miles.