Not doing well at all.
Selling AMD.
Not doing well at all.
Selling AMD.
Lol Woody talked me into signing up and i read like one article before my ADD took over and i went back to CL hunting. lol
LOL, AMD is the least of your worries. Get rid of the Silver Wheaton and move onto something that costs much less (<$10) so you can attempt to build back. OR, invest that money into AMD so you not only lower your average cost (meaning it’ll take less to break even or gain), but you’ll also increase your position with them.
I have all of this play money invested in SWHC. I’ve sold it at one point where it was up a few cents, then re-invested all again when it dropped below. The stock’s near it’s 52-week low which is good for buying, and although their 52-week high is only in the $4/share range, having over 2800 shares will help make those gains.
I’m just going to hang tight on what I have now, long term should yield something good.
I short sold Osama stock, made bank after he went out of business! lol
UPDATE as of 5/17 @ 2:25pm:
I should also note that the biggest losers (rank 11-14) have a combined transaction total of 49, 31 of which are Mike (KrazyKid) LOL. The top 10 have a combined transaction total of 33.
oh damn. im in 4th
I sold AMD and moved up!
KrazyKid tries too hard. Wasnt he number two at a certain point in time? :rofl
Cossey doing work.
Shady and Wayne being number 2 and 3 are proving my theory that sometimes it’s better to not play at all.
I think my best was 8 or 9. TZOO is destroying my returns.
LOL i chuckle every time I see 33 trades. lol I spent more on transaction fees than you made + sofar by 3 fold! :lol
Yeah I just like messing around… I havent done this stuff in 10 years! I got a game plan now. See “day trader” lol
thats my new guy.
Profiting form others misfortune… DayTrader likes Sony loosing money!
Haha, yeah bought Sony day one.
yeah but you bought it the wrong way! You lost $120 and I made $450! lol
short sale FTW
Whatever lol I just bought some more. That TZOO one is still killing me. Heres my tip then, look into Hasbro, they make Transformers… who has a new movie coming out in less than a month, and new toys just hit shelves. Just sayin lol
Sony is tanking for the time being and you bought more long? :facepalm
Good move on the toy co though.
Dont take this the wrong way but do you understand the idea behind a short sell when stock drops? If not I can explain it, and you can mess around playing the other side of the stock market game.
Actually no I dont. Didnt read all the stuff, just basically randomly bought stuff I thought would do well long term.
cool well here is a mini KK rant. Disclaimer, I am a noobie with this stuff too. But you will get the idea when i am done here.
When you think a stock will drop you can make money on that drop by short selling them. You find the stock and ask your broker to short sell them. The broker sells off X# of share (what ever you want) and “profits” what ever that money would be. As time passes the stock drops. When you had enough you “buy to cover” how ever many shares you initially short sold from the broker at a lower price (since the value dropped). The difference between the initial sell at the higher price and the “buy to cover” at the lower price you keep.
Stock XYZ is about to post up horrid earnings for Quarter 3. Their stock is currently @ $10.00 a share.
You short sell 100 shares. The broker either sells off share they have in stock or can borrow them from another broker. That short sell yields $1000.
a week goes by and the company release to the public a loss of profits, and the stock drops to $5 a share.
You feel they are just about to hit bottom and they fixed some things in the company and might be on the rebound for quarter 4 profits. Now you decide to “buy to cover” the 100 shares you short sold a week ago. That buy costs you $500. (100 shares @ $5 current value).
Initially the broker made $1000 for you from the short sale. And just spent $500 to complete the transaction. leaving you +$500 from where you started last week.
Additionally. now you own 100 shares at the new lower price. You could sell them off and be free and clear. or you can hold them long and hope they rise back up, making more money.
Also little side facts, you can buy stock short against your equity… so you dont really need the cash up front. so if you have $5000 to play with cash, you can actually short sell more than $5000 worth of stock. IF the stock were to rise instead of go down, your FUCKED and owe the broker more money than you have. That’s a gamble.
ALSO ALSO, short selling is rather frowned upon and somewhat illegal. ( dont know the full logistics on this but here is the idea) Usually when a stock is MASS SOLD OFF at once it can drive the price down because potential buyers get all worried thinking that a company is going to take a hit and people are selling now to not loose money. So the price usually sinks. So if a lot of brokers were to short sell a shit load of the same stock, the price would drop (yeaaaa for them) and bad for the company.
thats about it. there is way more involved in there detail wise but you get the idea I think.
Too late to join up?
Sony posts 3+ billion UNDER projected profits
they get hacked AGAIN this morning
yet the stock JUMPS up a mile in value??? WTF
I went from +350$ to -$168 in less than 12 hours!
fuuuuck stock markets! lol
no you can jump in at any time into the game man.