Almost a home owner

I think a home builder has better shit to do than scam you out of $500 bucks.

DIY that shit

He can take you to small claims court but I dont believe he cant touch your credit being just a private contractor and it being so minimal. Did you sign a contract? Sign anything?

its absolutely 100% impossible for this to end up on your credit… credit, is when you take out a LINE OF CREDIT, not when you agree to pay someone $500 for work. You didn’t sign up for a loan, credit card, mortgage etc… you said youd pay him for work as if he was a damn plummer. Worst thing he can do is take you to small claims court and try and bitch and moan he wants his 500 bones. since he actually boned you on his end of the deal, and you’re out $500 already, I doubt hes gonna take it that far, while TECHNICALLY they could reward him the other $500, because you signed the contract. thats all technicalities though.

anyone that tells you any different on the credit situation, idc if they say they worked in this field for 50 years, they’re wrong.

viper gave him his bidget HIGH end at 160k INCLUDING all the stuff he said he would REQUIRE to be done to the house, in order for him to follow through and authorize the build.

he said the guy started taking shit out to get down to $160k. as long as you were VERY specific in the contract that the ONLY way you were going forward with this was if ALL the shit you listed was going to be possible within your budget, you have no problem.

if he signed a paper saying “I want drawings ill pay you this much for them thanks” and didnt include a specific list of required entities and stipulations, you may be liable for that other $500

He can take you to small claims, if he wins he can/will garnish your wages, freeze your bank account. You will have a judgment on your credit report.

lol other way around

He over promised when he didn’t have to present hard numbers.

Am I getting hyper sensative or what?
I said he could.

Thats different. And now with that explanation…is shitty.

Well what the fuck do you know about credit and building a house and contractors and shit? Dumbass. Thank God captain cannibus was here to correct you, you senile old fuck.

he can take him to court, he can in NO way, shape, or form touch his credit though!

:cough:toldyaso :cough:

That sucks Brian, good luck with everything, although you probably owe him the $500. In that type of situation you’d be hard pressed to make your argument stand unless it was in writing up front which it sounds like it wasn’t.

i wasnt mean at all i was just explaining the facts. his credit is to be untouched by the situation, regardless.

n I quit :pimp: y0


A judgement against you is the result of you losing a case in court…Having a judgement against you will lower your FICO score considerably.

thats basically what i figured…

but i would love to see some documentation…

i did sign this proffesional services agreement

Then again, I’m not positive that this applies here. Still reading…

you’re wrong.

google: public records, credit report

Ugh shady builders, there are so many out there.

It would cost too much to get a judgement/garnishment against him to make it worthwhile over $500. He could take him to small claims if he wanted, depends on how big of a dick you act like and how much you piss him off.

me too… there seems to be some differences between what you can do in regards to a civil claim, and a small claims court claim…

all I meant by what I was explaining was that this cannot be put on his CBR as an open line of credit he hasnt paid and gone delinquent on, because thats what damages someones credit the most. If he was sued, lost, and didn’t pay the guy, he definitely could be in line for a judgement.

i was careful… the email i posted was my last communication with him, and will be my last.

if he takes me to small claims and i loose ill pay… but fuck if i’m just going to roll over and take it up the ass because this guy doesn’t know how to run a business and stand by his quotes.