
in another accident in the same spot where dental guy hit my car on RT. 28…i picked up my gf from her house in Fox Chapel. Then we get on 28 and head north…start to come to the bend where u can stay on 28 or head straight and go towards Blanox…

well some guy comes flying up behind me then goes in the left lane…then right as we are getting ready to start turning…he comes into my lane…i swerve over and almost hit brarrier and end up gettin into the off ramp for Blanox…damn asshole…i hate fuckers that cant read signs or think they can drive!!! dumb mother fuckers…oh ya the car was a white ford crown vic or the merc. versoin and had the blue part of the rear part of the windows and hood…

sorry end of my rant!

dont ever go there again! jk. glad u r ok, man. be safe.

haha i know…damn dental guy got me on the money :madfawk:

Shoulda let him hit you then went and got an SS

ya…if gf wasnt in the car…i would take that chance…but not with her in the car…dont want to risk somehing happing to her!!!