ALMS Practice this friday @ limerock park

I have taken the day off and am planning to head up to limerock park in CT to watch the ALMS practice. We went last year and had a great time, other then the sunburn, lol. If anyone else wants to go let me know. I am prob headed out no later then 9am. Tickets are I believe $35 for the day.

Damn $35 just to watch practice? At limerock? Pretty steep :rofl

Best $35 you’ll spend all weekend, you cheap bastard.

I cant go this year. :frowning:

Go for practice, hang out with the teams and learn some cool shit, then go home and watch the race on TV. Best way to do it.

fml id really like to go…

srsly dont have the cash to go and spend money for tickets/food etcc

trying to save my monehz

sounds like fun, i love limerock. i wish i could go.

I’ll ride with you if that’s ok?

Im game to go again

hmmm. i may go. ill haveta take the day off

i may go

well see. i will let you know nick!

Gonna be rough tomorrow. Got called into work so I’ll be here til 7am then off to limerock in the am.

prolly aint gonna go. im already there 2+ times/yr and would rather paint my wheels and put mah heaaader on.

And both those times you are not on the track. :tongue

Going to watch people like Jesse run and just watching DE days is completely different from watching ALMS practice. Prolly the fastest cars that’ll be on the track for a loooong time.

i wasn’t even counting that lol. a family friend of mine races formula mazdas, he’s 4th in the NE USA right now i believe

quick, shitty vid, but you get the point if you dont know what those cars are

they’re like mini formula 1 cars with a 1.8L miata motor. sure it’s no ALMS, but it’s still fun to watch, especially when you know a lot of the racers and are rooting for one person :lol

and yes, i got to go across the track on the turn 8 flagger station when i was 16 :smiley: my friend told him i was 19 and the flagger told us this story about how marco andretti couldn’t go across to the station when he was 17 because he was underaged :haha

Leaving in 10 minutes you bitches

enjoy, i will be at my camp, hoping it doesnt rain. this ghost right here needs some sun and some relaxation

I think the weather is suppose to hold out

calling for like 40% at the lake around 7-8pm. high 70s partly cloudy… bring on the sunburn cream!