Hell yeah… exactly. I havent had a flat tail skin in I dont knwo how long. I love coming to the top of a head wall or something where mad people are stopped and looking down/shitting their pants… I yell drop in and do a 180 and drop in switch. ROFL these fuckers cant figure out how to go straight down and I drop in backwards! lol Or the ever popular hallin ass past a racer fag and switching up infront of them and carving just as hard as they are backwards with them! lol
Glades around here are tight and shit, but still nothing like fuckign around in fresh snow with a few friends and not seeing or hearing anyone else around. We found a sweet ass step up tap thing in whiteface’s glades. It was a 4-5 foot rock infront of a big ass rock cliff thing with a big landing and not too many trees to hit on the back side. We built a jump on the first little rock, that would jump/step you up to the top of the cliff and you just taped or rode it for a few feet and landed on the landing off the other side. MAD fun, 180 on 180 offs, tail taps, I even oillied my ass off the jump and cleared the entire cliff and landed on the landing perfectly! it was a blast.