Alternative Fuel Stations: E85, Diesel, Bio Diesel.

are any of you guys using an injector driver for your injectors? or just high impedence ones?



Youll be using it murrdouche

Haha in due time

High impedance injectorz ftw

wtf is with these gay ass buschur ethanol testers… can’t you just buy a graduated cylinder on ebay for like $.22


Seriously, I was thinking the same thing. At least Pete got his for free with his Buschur loyalty rewards diamond membership.

FWIW, the testers are useless unless you’re willing to let the sample settle for at least an hour.

Loving my newest purchase…

Exit 23 (Northway) just tested at 83 percent in the test tube (so about 80 on the sensor)

I can tell at my local spot because the price drops as the ethanol content goes up. We’re down to 2.99/gal so it’s definitely above 80% now. LOL

4.19 for B5 at john ray as of today, was 4.29 2 weeks ago when i filled up