Altima 3.5 MMI's

Anybody done MMI’s on a 3.5 Alty? I got the front in with only moderate to extreme cussing, but the rear is a cast iron bitch! All three bolts out but I can’t move it enuf to get the mount in. Eventually gave up an’ put it all back together. Anyone have some help/tips/sarcastic comments to offer?



maby try some lube to make it easier to insert them.

A half hearted Google search has told me that some people boil theirs to make it easier (works for GA16 Sentra) and wiggle till it fits and this will take time (Nissan Performance Mag’s SE-R Altima and Sentra write up)

Sorry but couldn’t find it specifically for you… :sad

I have no trouble getting the insert into the mount itself (front one at least), I just couldn’t get the rear mount out enuf to fit the insert in, there’s not a whole lotta room.

Fallen, thanx for the tip on the Nissan Performance Mag article, I’ll see if I can track it down.

So when do you think your going to do the back M.M.I. because I still have to do mine. Would like you to try on your SE-R and then tell me all the mistakes you did then I can do mine. LOL

Later Andre’

Funny u should ask, got it apart right now, still can’t get the friggin mount to move enuf to fit the insert in. Still working on it.

Ha! Got t in. Took a bit of trimming, finageling and lots of inappropriate language, but finally got it in! It’s a real s.o.b. (the rear one, front is pretty easy). There’s a bracket attached to the motor mount, near the top on the back side, 3 x 10mm bolts, really tight, one of those Crappy Tire gear wrenches, the short one, is really handy for that. Taking that off helps make it easier for the motor mount to rotate up and out of the way.

Having disclocated a finger last week doesn’t really help either.

Edit: Took it out for a drive, very nice! The rear MMI makes a big difference!

How about the frame, did you have to drop that to do the rear one. Plus for the front did you take it out from the top or the bottom. Then put it back from the top or the bottom. Plus did you do the install with just jack stands or did you get your car on a hust. Might do mine in a week or two.

I did get my spacers put in and my new intake manafold installed ( Was not to bad of a install. ). Plus F & $ K she is sweet.

Later Andre’

P.S. Need to meet for beers again.

Did you change out your spark plugs, coils, and prv valve well your intake manufold was off. Did’nt do mine just wondering if you did yours because I herd the spark plugs are good untill 150,000 km.


No, didn’t do plugs or coils, think I might do the PRV valve. Don’t have to drop the subframe. Gotta get at the rear from the bottom, front I can’t remember, that was last year, think I did it from the bottom. Just put the car up on 4 jack stands. You’ll need you jack to lift the engine up when you take the mount out. Let me know when you’re doing yours, I can come by and offer advice and heckle.