Me watches tumbleweed go through FWD forum...

Seriously…where are all the FWD guys? Isn’t that kinda why we made this forum? Isay if it continues like this we axe this forum…it’s just taking up space on the section list for no purpose.

Hmmm… so how about those CV shafts? Broke any lately?

Maybe enthusiasts don’t drive FWD? Any broken motor mounts? I think I have one on my neon.

I’m here, I"m just waiting for after I install my new turbo and tune my engine before I start making any posts.

Ahh, you can post anytime man, don’t need to have a crazy car. But I’m sure yours will be.

So the 13" wheel/tire combo on my 91 sure isnt very confidence inspiring.
And I’ve been having some badt luck trying to get a new car. Oh well all in good time.

I didn’t know this was supposed to be a general chat forum for FWD drivers.

I haven’t posted in here because I don’t have any TECHNICAL issues with my car right now.

Well . . . other than the fact that the engine is in the machine shop, the front end is in pieces, the front passenger window is also in pieces, and sub and amp are missing. Hell, they even took the shifter knob! What kind of an SOB takes the shifter knob?!? :axe: Every time I visit the yard at Speedworks, I look at 2 months of grime and the flat tire (2 months of slow leaking). :roll:

If I sound PO’d, I am. But I want to be clear that I am not PO’d at Speedworks! Parts suppliers, machine shops, and B&E’s are out of their control.

But I saw that your pistons are in, eh?

uummm… how much do motormounts go for? and there are 3 i think? one on each side by each fender well and one on the bottom on the front of the engine?

anyone have experience with getting motor mounts from junk yards? or using those hard inserts that energy suspension sells for honda type stuff? I read that it makes the whole car vibrate more, but is it a lot more?

The eneregy suspension stuff is alright, not really just for Honda’s. I believe they are fairly cheap too, like $150. Well, if you have a turbo car, sacraficing a little vibration shouldn’t be too bad, but will help in the long run with launches and the reduction of wheel hop.

Not just for turbo cars Aaron. My motor mount inserts were the best mod yet. Yes you do feel more vibration, but it’s a small price to pay to be able to launch my car anywhere on the tach without wheelhop.

I was referring to the Marvin as his is turbo’d, and he was concerned with vibration. lol.

And DAMMIT, it’s AARON, not Erin. Thats 3 fuckin time today someone did that. :butthead:

Uhh those both look the same to me. Isnt that the girl spelling? Have you got something to tell us?

I knew I shouldn’t have given you admin powers. Bastard.

:doh: well which one is it? because you spelled it Erin both times when i said it. :shrug:

Hahaha, you can all thank Dave (DeathBy240) for that one. He changed my name “A a r o n” on the system, so that it appears as “E r i n”. So everytime someone typed my real name, it showed up as the girls name, including your PM’s I sent you all.

He will be punished.

Nice little trick
sure confused the hell outta me

Hahaha. Dont break out the whip again Erin.

I will be installing my ES mounts on my neon tonight.

My car is in at Speedworks right now for the ES mounts, hopefully done soon…

Oh yeah, I forgot. My mom and dad didn’t find out what sex I was going to be before I was born, so they picked a boy and girl name for me. No problem right?

Until my mom got a little tipsy one night (a rare occurence) and told me that they were sure I was going to be a girl - I was supposed to be a Jennifer. :E

So there you go Aaron, that’s a little worse than your Erin story. :slight_smile: