Thoughts on solid engine mounts.

I had my heart set on using a solid engine mount in the bimmer, but i’m wondering if that’s a bad idea. It’s an I6, so it has near perfect balance… Just looking for some thoughts on this…

i never imagined them making up the difference for the annoyance they cause

gregs car vibrates A LOT because of them…and k20s are pretty smooth running in the cars they were meant for…i’d look into that just for the annoying factor

i was thinking solid mounts for my engine as well. but its a treefiddy and i just want them to shake the car around a bit.

greg’s car is solid mounted?

that isn’t bad at all.

I had welded angle iron from my block to the side of the engine bay on either side of the motor. It didnt move AT ALL. but the rest of the car shook like a mother fucker. If your going to DD the car, i say dont. but if its purely a toy go for it. you get a better throttle response because the mounts dont soak up much if any energy.

what kind of engine?

Your already running the dumped exhaust…its going to be loud…do the solid motor mounts.

^ I dont believe they are solid, they are polyurethane

In gregs car

my exhaust is full 3" w/ muffler, no resonator. My 240 had a dump, though.

in a volvo 240. the 2.3 4 banger, RWD. I ended up needing to replace the rear end bushings because they were taking a lot of stress since the motor didnt move at all. im trying to dig up a picture…

i had polyurethane mounts on my car and it shook like crazy. i got annoyed with them and took them out. i cant imagine what solid mounts would feel like, earthquake anyone?

I have a solid poly trans/engine mount, and I have lots of vibration and noise. Dash, console, sometimes door panels all make noise at certain speeds/rpms.

wear a mouth gaurd so you dont get a concussion when your teeth chatter. on the other hand, im being a internet noob who’s repeating information. poly works well

does anyone have any poly mounts laying around. I need the sandwich style. 2 opposing studs.

If not, it’s getting solid.

y not just buy some? i think itd be worth it.

i was just thinking to myself " who would have poly mounts laying around for an e30??" then i remembered that its engine is a nissan lol.

it can be anything, i can really use anything at this point, because the final mounts aren’t done…

What durometer are most poly mounts?

i would use solid