Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Last night’s episode was great. I’m excited for this season.

So good, that cartoon on after was nuts too.

Just watched and yes… They picked up right where they left off. Im still waiting for an episode that doesnt at least give me a GOOD laugh every 30 seconds.

haha filibuster!

OMG this is my new favorite episode by far!

this was the first time i watched it… pretty good lol

haha " ya I eat stickers all the time man!"

:word: good episode last night for sure

Idk guys… this was one of my least favorites :frowning: I snickered at times but nowhere near as funny as the first one.

“I’m a full on rapist.”

"I mean I’m a philanthropist. "

I’m trying to smoke the wasps to death, but they just keep flying up the tube and stinging me in the mouth.

last few episodes have been …meh.

because you are a “prog Rocker” your opinion is not worth anything.

So I guess I will take these milk steaks to go?

Disagree. This season has been awesome so far.

The Road trip one was probably one of the best of all time. The Dave and Busters one was lame. This weeks wasn’t bad, but not great. Probably the weakest of the 5 seasons so far.

I’ll have an order of your raw jelly beans.

That is all.

DVRed it, can’t wait. ugh.

Lol so good this week.

are you big leaguin me?