Always Sunny in Philadelphia

On right now YAY

i so want to nail sweet dee

I just started watching this show and burned through season 1 and 2 so far this week. It’s awesome.

Tonight b’s and g’s… 10pm


She is sexy in a akward way… I think if you saw her off TV she would be less attractive.

lmao at the first half so far…

Eat your assholes

Pretty funny episode. I still think Dee is hot.

Was this a one time hour episode or is this their new thing now?

i think dee is hot

and last nights episode was awesome

“o wow that was easy. i didnt even put any pressure on it”

“idk, they just pop right out. heres another one”

You think these are baby teeth???

+1 for Sweet Dee being hot.

And lol. Great episode.

Is this season any better than last? I watched alot of it the first season then the second it turned really corny

What… season 2 is the best of the 4 so far.

4 is on its way to being the best though.

+2 on dee being hot.

this show is fucking sweet. lol @ the gloryhole reference for most of the show.

also the smashing of Dee’s neon was hilarious. i was excited to see what was going to happen and lol’d pretty hard when he didnt jump.

well its started with 2 30 min. shows back to back, then the hour long one this past week, and now there will just be one 30 min. show followed by that testees show.

between entourage and this, we are getting the shaft on these 30 minute episodes.

A+ ,great episode.:lol:

and that new show “Testees” is pretty damn funny.

Artemus rocks lol

God I still have the biggest crush on the coffee shop waitress… .when she was pooping in the purse… soooo hot.

I laughed very very hard when Dee ran out of the shoe store and smashed head first into that BMW lol