Am i destined to get shot or something in Oakland?

this occured to me today after reading about another shootin in oakland this past saturday…

some kid got shot in the ankle at 1.35am or so saturday night. i was walkin down that street at 11pm goin to a party… thats like around 3-3.5 hours before…and we almost left the party early to go back to our place and i would have been in that area.

my first year down here i was at a party and left sometime near midnight to go elsewhere…and about an hour later apparently, some other kid got shot or shot at…

last year, some driveby took place at the O. we were going to go there that night if i remember right…but ended up going the next night at 1am. and i know one kid that heard the shot and looked outside and seen the car speeding off!!!

and also last year, my friends invited me to a party but naturally i had engineering work to do and i didnt go… some kid at the party got wasted and was tryin to fight everyone…and got into it with my friends… he pulled a gun on them but they kept fighting back and he left… they even KNOW the kid but dont think it was loaded…but u can never be sure.

i think thats all the encounters i can remember, but it seems all the shootings in oakland, i’m around and within a few hours of!!

kinda freaky

so how many people in oakland could say the same thing?

That’s what happens when you venture too far away from Delmont. Stick to Carney’s Corner and you’ll be fine :beer:

oakland is a shithole… i’ve said it time and time again.

My girlfriend lives over there, complete hell.

yea, my little brother lives in oakland and it’s pretty bad. Fucking college kids ruin everything. :smiley:


Well that could be your 1st problem :bigok:

yes. start wearing a bullet proof vest when you venture to south oakland.

It’s not rare in our society today to be subjected to these kinds of situations.

Out by Mitchells one night about 15 years ago a similar thing happened, someone decided to start shooting on Center Avenue. I was about 50 yards away from that one.

About 12 or 13 years ago, when I was at CalU, someone decided to pop a cap off at a fellow football player within yards of me (over some stupid poobah no less).

sophmore year in college, I was down at Pitt at a party. it was kinda beat so we left early. 10 minutes later on the same front porch i was just sitting on. A dude got all mad at the party and let the gun rip. yeah, i did not go to many partys down there after that!

wasnt that a new years party when some crazy chick pulled out and shot the ceiling?!

Most of these incidents involved booze, maybe that’s the problem, or maybe I’m a loser that likes to sit at home with a couple friends and drink.

nah… this was in the spring time

Nice 240 in your sig. I’d love to do that conversion but I’m stuck on the flip up headlights.

That’s what happens when you venture too far away from Delmont. Stick to Carney’s Corner and you’ll be fine

hell yah! carneys corner…i go there all the time to pick up beer (40’s lol) for night fishin and other things.

Most of these incidents involved booze, maybe that’s the problem, or maybe I’m a loser that likes to sit at home with a couple friends and drink.

yeah i hear yah man… as much as i enjoy goin out ot party, i have just as much fun stayin at our own place and drinkin with some of our good friends. we invite them down and have a small party. i’m not complaining there. i dont feel like walking all over oakland in the middle of night drunk

it can happen anywhere. a year or so ago some dude was runnin from the police, tried to hide parked his car 2 doors down from our house (wilkins twp behind bobs on greensburg pike) and dude proceeded to shoot at the cops, and ended up getting 44 shots unloaded into him and his car. That was crazy hearing a shootout right down the street. :ugh:

Obviously you put yourself more at risk in shitty areas, but it doesn’t have to be a shitty area for a shooting to occur…

Oakland, The Hill, Homewood/Swissvale, and Manchester are what I steer clear of. Ex-G/F lived in Greenfield, thats about as rough as I like to go. Haha

yea south oakland is pretty bad.

its not college kids its ghetto trash