Am i destined to get shot or something in Oakland?

its not college kids its ghetto trash


it’s both x4534534


You bunch of pussies. Scared of Oakland? Are you fucking shitting me?

i’m not scared :rofl: … i just dont really like it all that much and point out that it’s a shithole daily.

i just dont really like it all that much and point out that it’s a shithole daily.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Most of Oakland IS a shithole- parts of North Oakland are okay though. Fifth through Oakland is pretty cool, as is the area around Carnegie museum and the libary heading over to the park.

sure! but as nice as the park and that area is… you still have bums pissing on sidewalks and half-drunk sluts walkign to class at 9am puking in the garbage cans.

you still have bums pissing on sidewalks and half-drunk sluts walkign to class at 9am puking in the garbage cans.

bums yes…but the college kids arent that bad. we’re not bringing the town down. only a minority of us are…remember there is like 38,000 students here.

without pitt in oakland, what would oakland be

and no, i’m not scared…just wondering if i’ll get shot here since i’m around all the shootings in some way

Wonder no longer. If you mind your own business you will not get shot in Oakland.

sure! but as nice as the park and that area is… you still have bums pissing on sidewalks and half-drunk sluts walkign to class at 9am puking in the garbage cans

That is true. The sluts don’t bother me so much. I guess I wouldn’t like to see one puking in a garbage can though, but I never did.

On the topic of scary neighborhoods…I think these three make me the most nervous, in the Pittsburgh area at least:

Northview Heights “looks” the scariest; Larimer looks the shittiest (parts of that neighborhood doesn’t even look like America, with all the garbage on the street, rotting cars in peoples yards…looks like you’re in some third world country); and Homewood IS the most dangerous. In most other “bad neighborhoods”, you’ll get left alone unless you look like you have money…from what the city cops tell me, Homewood is different.

cleaner, nicer, less congested, less aggrevation, more parking, less traffic, less idiots, no more vomit puddles, less vandalism, less accidents, more respect for property, less run-down houses, less trash on the sidewalks/streets…

all i have to say is… cell phone conversations in elevators :mad:

i just watched some chick puke in a garbage can this morning… it ran out of the bottom onto her open toed sandals… hahahah

less congested, less aggrevation, more parking, less traffic, less idiots, no more vomit puddles, less vandalism, less accidents, more respect for property, less run-down houses, less trash on the sidewalks/streets…

traffic and parking yes… vandalism i dont see often down here…but i’m sure it happens. but it happens everywhere from all kinds of ppl.

and every city is dirty…but yes oakland might be cleaner without college kids.

but the only thing is, what would move in if pitt wasnt here? i’m worried it would just get over run by trashy ppl like the other surrounding areas.

dude its like one block in south oakland thats bad and it ain’t that bad. as far as oakland being bad…the trouble comes froma whole bunch of white wannabe tough guys (probably from the south hills) that get a gun and think they are the shit. they are everywhere. plus the students ruin the place and if i ever catch a motherfucker graffiti on my grandparents house its gonna be some vehicular manslaughter type shit. some POS had the nerve to yell at my grandpa sayin “ur on my campus” …motherfucker your in my grandpa’s neighborhood. you just don’t fuck with someones grandparents.

been in everyhood and every project in the city except one… EAST HILLS. where did the police find my car…east hills.

where the fuck are you from that the surrounding areas are trashy? ok yeah the hill sucks but squirell hill is ok , greenfield isn;t a dump either… its just middle class and if thats trashy you can go back where ever the fuck you came from

what areas…like shady side and sql hill??? i’d be happy if oakland turned into them :rofl:

humm… what would move in??? maybe businesses that don’t have to deal with shitty, cheap and disrespectful college students?

thats makes me think of something. the pirates and penguins have student discounts… i’m sure the students commin to games are the ones that get the money from mommy and daddy anyway. the people who don’t are probably studing somewhere and don’t give a fuck about sports. fuck college discounts for those fuckers

no not shady side and squirrel hill. i’m talkin about the hill district which is right behind oakland. and down the road toward dusquene, i’m not sure what that is.

the city is not a nice looking place…everything is old and i understand that but to me, its just dirty. i dont mind just what i think.

dude its like one block in south oakland thats bad and it ain’t that bad. as far as oakland being bad…the trouble comes froma whole bunch of white wannabe tough guys (probably from the south hills) that get a gun and think they are the shit. they are everywhere. plus the students ruin the place and if i ever catch a motherfucker graffiti on my grandparents house its gonna be some vehicular manslaughter type shit. some POS had the nerve to yell at my grandpa sayin “ur on my campus” …motherfucker your in my grandpa’s neighborhood

i agree, for the most part it aint bad…its just a group of ppl that makes it bad. i never said anything about the oakland being bad as a whole or that i was scared or anything…just sayin i seem to be around all the shootings for some reason. but alot of ppl think that everyone down here is bad. 90% of the students dont do stupid shit like that. the ones that do shouldnt be in school in the first place. and again, alot that do shit like that dont even go here

that other place would be uptown. for as close as the hill is to oakland theres not that much trouble as youd think. the pitt police aren’t rent-a-cops, they are just as much a police force as the PPD.

the city doen’t look nice first off because in this country you can sit on your ass at home on welfare and be as unproductive as posible. Its not the working class neighborhoods that look like shit, is it? secondly, all the “artists” seem to think graffiti is a fucken game and that they have to write on everything possible ( i will catch someone in the act one day and stick the spray can up their ass) and third you have a whole bunch of people that come into the city from the glorious suburbs and don’t give a rats ass about the city, they just use it and leave it. mostly its students who litter, carry on and other wise act like trash.

Fuck the city. I lived in the Shitty of Pittsburgh my entire life- as soon as I could afford too, I move out to the 'burbs and will never look back.

The ONLY parts of the city I’d consider living in are Squirell Hill and Shadyside- but I’d still rather live where I’m at now, where crime is virtually nonexistent.