Am i destined to get shot or something in Oakland?

good we didn’t want you anyway. have fun when section 8 reaches you.

I used to play deck hockey once a week in Springview which is next to Northview Heights…that place is scary. I had to drive through the projects on Rhine Street and always breathed a sigh of relief when I (and my car) made it through okay…

Perry South or North is also not great…I.can’t remeber where I was…All I know is that I have a buddy who lives in Brighton Heights and went to go visit him a few years ago…a bridge was out so my friend gave me directions to go a back way…well, let’s just say I ended up in some place that appeared to be the backwoods of WV…the road narrowed so much that only one car fit…barely…and I came upon some guy that was obviously really high or drunk…he was walking in the middle of the road, limping…and was carrying an axe. Not a good combo - a f*cked up dude carrying an axe. I could do anything but wait for him to get out of road…which he did not do for quite some time. Somehow I got out of there…I think I found a way to turn around and head back the way I came…

its always funny when suburban kids tell their stories of the big bad scary city. don’t you know you typically don’t get smoked unless a) you owe money. b) fucked someones girl/wife. c) got tough with the wrong person. d) snithched, or e) showed off too much in the wrong area. what i’m tryin to say is most of the people that get shot/killed are perpatraitors of crime themselves

True…but I’d still say my chances of getting randomly shot, mugged, or beat to a pulp by a bat rose dramatically when my old 1996 Black 328is (with aftermarket rims) broke down (water pump failed) in the South Side of Chicago at 10:00pm on a warm July night in 2000…that was not fun…especially when I pulled into a gas station and immediately was greeted by some boys of the neighborhood. At that point, I said F*ck my car’s engine…I’m outta here.

good we didn’t want you anyway. have fun when section 8 reaches you.

The feeling is mutual. I now live in McCandless and work in Greentree. I LOVE not having to deal with criminals, bums, and dirtballs on a regular basis.

As for section 8 reaching me; well, won’t happen in my lifetime.

just dont live near the bus line FTW

its always funny when suburban kids tell their stories of the big bad scary city. don’t you know you typically don’t get smoked unless a) you owe money. b) fucked someones girl/wife. c) got tough with the wrong person. d) snithched, or e) showed off too much in the wrong area. what i’m tryin to say is most of the people that get shot/killed are perpatraitors of crime themselves

Oh okay. Tell that to the kid I grew up with who was randomly shot while riding a bicycle on North Negley Ave.

Yeah, you might not get killed, but if you frequent the ghetto enough there is a good change you will get fucked with; and if you live in the ghetto as I did the chance is more like 100%.

its always funny when suburban kids tell their stories of the big bad scary city. don’t you know you typically don’t get smoked unless a) you owe money. b) fucked someones girl/wife. c) got tough with the wrong person. d) snithched, or e) showed off too much in the wrong area. what i’m tryin to say is most of the people that get shot/killed are perpatraitors of crime themselves

agreed, but sometimes it happens randomly. ppl just like to fock with ppl

^^^^ i’m gonna agree with this guy…lol

It’s so funny how Oakland here in CA is a shithole that you’re likely to get shot in and it’s the same in PA.


haha that is quit ironic

amen to that

what’s this thread about anyways?

last night at lowes an angry loud mid-20’s large black guy got into a scuffle in the theater during texas chainsaw’s 11pm showing. there were a bunch of “i’m gonna kill you nigger”'s bein thrown out and not to stereotype anything but i was a little worried at that point.

those areas around here aint got nothin on some hospital neighborhoods in nj lol i was scared parking my car in an armed protected parking facility with an escort lol

People seem to think that shadyside and SQ hill are such nice places, but they have the highest burgulary rate in the city. There are ALOT of robberies and so forth in those areas aswell.

I lived in the city for 23 years. And there are alot of nice parts, but there are also a lot of bad parts.

What he ^^^ said.



steal from the rich!!! duh… besides its not in the deeps of SQ hill, its mainly close to the bus route. like eric said. I’d also love to see your facts and figures… i’m sure southside has a much larger burglary rate than SQ hill.

the crime rate isn’t higher in sq hill… maybe shady side… b ut that’s due to the worthless cheap ass college students oh… and penn ave :slight_smile:

the crime rate isn’t higher in sq hill… maybe shady side… b ut that’s due to the worthless cheap ass college students oh… and penn ave

wow u realy got something for those colllege kids these days…

thats why big cities suck and i like to live in a small place away from the trashy crime ppl lol