Am i destined to get shot or something in Oakland?

it’s because i used to be one too

theres nagatives and positives to both of those, far from hospitals, joke of a sherriff, people like shelby are ur fire dept. Its fine and dandy and a glass of lemonade until something does go wrong. Even borughs closer to the city are a joke, all they do is write traffic tickets. Trashy crime people are everywhere too espcially small hick places.

the reason why shady side might have a higher crime rate is because its right next to east liberty which is the gateway to the citys shitties places.

i’m no further from 2 hospitals out here than most people in the city.


sweet i’m hungry too

yeah but how long is that ambulance gonna take to get to you. i’m sure theres a reason they fly all the trama into the city…the rest of the hospitals suck.

no it’s because a lot of hospitals dont’ have trauma centers and that’s pretty normal. a lot of the hospitals in the city dont’ either it all depends. UPMC out in greenville has their own helicopter and trauma center and it’s further in the sticks than i am.

no tramacenter = teh lose for you if you need it.

what happends in a fire, do you gotta wait for uncle jesse to get the bucket brigade on the CB? there is no argument for stuff like that, the city is better in that respect because its better equiped. hospitals, fire dept, police dept, public works, etc etc… the sticks are better for peace and quiet and potentially less crime.

as for a lot of hospitals in the city not having trama…the ambulance driver asked me where i wanted to go…mercy/agh/presby/… no need for any others to have it when that covers the whole city.

there are a shitload more hospitals than that which goes with my point that not ALL hospitals have trauma centers.

theres nagatives and positives to both of those, far from hospitals

I literally live 4 minutes from a major UPMC hostital.

joke of a sherriff

The McCandless Police are pretty good; more than adequate for this areas extremely low crime rate.

people like shelby are ur fire dept.

There are literally two firehalls within five minutes of me in either direction (Ingomar and Highland)- at my last place in the city, the nearest firehall was two neighborhoods away. I feel more confident in the response time and effectiveness of the firefighters where I’m at now.

Its fine and dandy and a glass of lemonade until something does go wrong.

Not really.

Even borughs closer to the city are a joke, all they do is write traffic tickets.

Which is great- they write tickets because there isn’t any real crime to deal with.

Trashy crime people are everywhere too espcially small hick places.

Right, but compare the percentages- their are WAY more trashy crime people in the city then in the suburbs, the country, or small towns.

The McCandless Police are pretty good; more than adequate for this areas extremely low crime rate.

people like shelby are ur fire dept.

There are literally two firehalls within five minutes of me in either direction (Ingomar and Highland)- at my last place in the city, the nearest firehall was two neighborhoods away. I feel more confident in the response time and effectiveness of the firefighters where I’m at now.

Its fine and dandy and a glass of lemonade until something does go wrong.

Not really.

Even borughs closer to the city are a joke, all they do is write traffic tickets.

Which is great- they write tickets because there isn’t any real crime to deal with.

Trashy crime people are everywhere too espcially small hick places.

Right, but compare the percentages- their are WAY more trashy crime people in the city then in the suburbs, the country, or small towns.

+1 for my town

only thing that is a downfall is lack of a major hospital… closest one i can think of is probly 20min away atleast

I have probably 3 of them within a 10 min drive. Suburban, Passavent, and alleghany general

yeah but the north hills isn’t the sticks!!!

depends where in the n. hills :wink:

BLA BLA BLA…I almost got shot,y is this 5 pages? I have had a gun puled on me b4 and shot at once,big deal…

Well aren’t you just Johnny H. Hardass himself?

not really,i almost shit my pants! I am just syaing that he is going by coincedences,not actuall happenings. Damn dude,i know u have some firearms and so fourth,but so do i n i know the law n all the rules better than u,so don’t tell me,LOL Not being a dick either man:kiss:

coincedence is enough i think…just about every shootin that happened in oakland that I know of since i got here in 2004, i been around. it seemed a matter of time before i got faced with the situation… but who cares, just makin a thread to conversate in…

I was just giving you a hard time anyway.

Damn dude,i know u have some firearms and so fourth


Take a guess as too how many guns I own…

Give you a hint- it’s less than 33, which was the most I’ve ever owned at one time. :smiley: