amanda (vvtlicelica )'s phone #

not huggin ya ,your flaps will suck me in

:rofl:rofl:rofl :Idiots this is the never ending rant isn’t it?

So John is this what youve seen?

ewwwwwwww that’s grosssssss lmfao if it was then it wasn’t mine :lol


that looks like my vagina

aww that’s cute kramer :lol:lol

your moms is sweet kramer nice fat lips like a juicy nectar

but you have to deal with feathers

im lol’ing hard over here :rofl:rofl:rofl


Hey, Radoman, no need for PMs. My names not Steve, you dont know where I live, and its cool you remember my plates from my 1st Civic. Tool.

your an idiot.

i haz said number. radoman is a scammer. i will give out for free.!

fack you

fack you

fack you

fack you

fack you…im out…

he’s out

of the closet? hook him up with trout.

im sure i have pics somewhere too…HAHA

i got that shit (#) for free too…lol

hahahaha plus rep