Amateur Drift Competition Downsview Aug 18/19

  1. Mikey (riced s14)
  2. Jon (s14)
  3. Lan (s14)
  4. Jay (s14)
  5. Vlad (S13)
  6. Samson (S14)
  7. Theo (S14)
  8. CK (s14 )
  9. Rod (S13)
  10. Anthony (s13)
  11. Tyler (S13)
  12. Andrei (s13) -----------paid
  13. Chris St. John (s13)
  14. Chris Kidybinski (s13)
  15. Will (s13)
  16. avery (aka s13king)
  17. Kyle (S13)
  18. Mason (944)
  19. Paul (silvia or ae86)
    20.Justin Forsyth (Intense)
  20. Fiddy (AE86 GTV -

Drivers, check your emails with details on payment

Holy crap! Tony Angelo, Chris Forsberg, Vaughn Gittin and Ryan Tuerck will all be in Toronto doing demos in their DA cars that weekend…sick!

damn, this event is going to be OFF THE HOOK

fuck i want to go REAL bad now


Not sure if you seen this vid before but check it out:

and this

hot vids kendrick, driftalliance ftw.

wow those guys are crazy, this event is gonna be amazing cant wait!!!

im pumped, time to put in new clutch, manifold, turbo yeehaw

Drivers check your email. I sent out some important info today
