Amber Alert... 1am?

So this broad loses custody at family court which is nearly impossible for a biological mother in NYS, this has me baffled, snatches up her kid and takes off and no one knows where she is? Pretty sure that was during business hours and they waited until 1am to set this crap off on everyone’s phone? I guess it was on the 6pm news and it took another 7 hours? Step one this morning: how to turn off Amber Alert on iPhone. Settings, Notifications, all the way down at the bottom FYI. End Rant.

Weird, we didn’t get the alert.

Ugh. I was so fucking pissed off. I’m a light sleeper with my phone because of frequent night work calls. Whatever noise my phone made had me frazzled for a good 5 minutes

I had to be up at 2:30 to get work done. This knocked me for a loop and I am very tired right now. I hope the kid is safe but I also some someone beats the shit out of the dummy who clicked the button at 1am.

I was wondering what woke me up. My dog started barking and then I saw my phone.

I am normally a light sleeper as well, but I also turn my phone on do not disturb. Does the amber alert override that? I don’t think it does. I did not hear anything and I’m sure I would have. But when I woke up I did see the notification about it so that’s what leads me to believe the do not disturb feature did its job.

I want to say that I heard the Amber alert with my phone on silent with vibrate off… timing sucked for sure. Isn’t the amber alert in canada? They’re talking about it on 97.7

I get why they send the alerts at any time. If a kid is kidnapped there are people out at 1am who might see the person/car they’re looking for. I just wish the alert would realize I’m sleeping and that waking me up to tell me to watch for this missing kid isn’t going to help much unless the person who took them is hiding in my damn house.

That said I think iOS must have changed it so this alert doesn’t override do not disturb, because both mine and my wife’s phones are set to silence everything but phone calls after 10pm and neither of us got this alert. The last time they did one of these at 2am both phones went off. The alert is definitely still enabled on my phone because I checked.

Does a phone vibrating really wake people up? I went for a run, waited for the woman to leave for work at 10:30pm, and then was OUT. I saw it in the morning and immediately deleted it without reading it.

Our phones were on silent and they both went off like time bombs buzzing and with sound at full fucking volume.

sounds like u snowflakes need to get better at sleeping

it’s salty up in here. someone’s child went missing.

My phone could trigger a nuke and I wouldn’t get up.


Yeah, the one time it went off on mine it was LOUD. No way you’re sleeping through it. I woke up thinking it was our smoke alarm at first.

They sent the alert at 1 am, because at midnight it reached the level to be considered kidnapping.

This woke me up like a bat out of hell. My fiance was sleeping like a log and she didn’t even flinch. Good thing I learned to be a light sleeper in my military days.

I remember during a nasty wind storm a few years ago, my porch roof came down and I heard it and ran out in time to gather the vinyl pieces and stop it from peeling back further.

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Who’s asleep at 1am?

I’m a light sleeper too.

I’m the same way for the same reasons, sleep apnea and used to have night terrors.

      • Updated - - -

Unfit mother took her own kid… She’ll run out of resources and turn up.

House on the other side of the street directly across from my house was engulfed in flames a few years back. Fire trucks, emergency vehicles, my 2 year old at the time all excited, I slept through 45 minutes of it. Way back in the day, there was a head on that occurred directly in front of my parents house. Woke up in the morning and asked what all the broken shit was in our driveway/front lawn. Parents were baffled I slept through it all